Tue 12 Mar 2024 9:24 pm - Jerusalem Time

Israeli newspapers: An anti-Tel Aviv coalition in America targets dark money

Groups opposing the war on the Gaza Strip and the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories in the United States began to organize their ranks, which prompted two Israeli newspapers to draw attention to them.

The newspaper "Haaretz" reported that a broad coalition that includes more than 20 Arab, Islamic, and even Jewish organizations has begun to form to confront pro-Israel pressure groups within the United States, and to combat the "United Democracy Project" of a pro-Israel organization, and its efforts to enhance support for Israel in its war against the movement. Islamic Resistance (Hamas).

Campaign against AIPAC

The newspaper explained in a report that the new coalition intends to launch its first campaigns against “dark money” obtained by the pro-Israel political pressure group in the United States, called the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

“Dark money” is a term that refers to money that nonprofits receive from donors and in turn spend to influence elections, and are not required to disclose the donors.

The Israeli newspaper reported that the coalition, which calls itself “Reject AIPAC,” plans to confront this Jewish pressure group, and its major political action committee, through electoral, political, digital, and organizational strategies.

Organizations affiliated with the coalition

The coalition also said that it would not allow the super PAC to “undermine our democracy,” which received funding from major donors who supported Republican candidate Donald Trump and his rival Nikki Haley, according to the statement.

Among the organizations affiliated with the coalition is the Progressive Political Action Committee known as “Justice Democrats”; The Sunrise Movement, and the Democratic Socialists of America; The “Our Revolution” movement led by Senator Bernie Sanders, as well as progressive Jewish organizations; Such as: Jewish Voice for Peace, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, and the IfNotNow movement, which means “If Not Now.”

Haaretz quoted a statement from the coalition saying that AIPAC's major political action committee, which receives donations from Republican donors, is now vowing to spend $100 million to target "a handful of black and colored members of Congress who led calls for a ceasefire and equal protection for the lives of Palestinians and Israelis."

Against undermining democracy

The launch of the coalition comes one week after the United Democracy Project failed in its efforts to obstruct the campaign of Korean-American Democratic candidate Dave Minn in the congressional elections for California, despite the project breaking its previous records with $4.7 million in ads aimed at attacking him.

For its part, the Times of Israel published a report in the same direction, in which it described the announcement of the establishment of the coalition as a direct response to the pro-Israel political action committees, which plan to spend tens of millions of dollars in their attempts to defeat members of the Democratic Party called “ Division,” in this year’s primary and general elections.

Alliance strategy

It quoted Osama Andrabi, director of communications at the Justice Democrats Committee, as saying that the new coalition’s strategy is to connect the grassroots organizations behind the “Defend the Elections” campaign, not only to protect members of Congress targeted by AIPAC; But also to highlight what they consider to be a deviation in the group from the established values of the Democratic Party.

The Times of Israel says in its report that the coalition will focus its efforts on supporting pro-Palestinian members and candidates, and highlighting opinion polls that show Democratic voters align with its positions, including demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, and that American aid to Israel be subject to conditions.

Source: The Times of Israel + Haaretz


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Israeli newspapers: An anti-Tel Aviv coalition in America targets dark money