Tue 02 Jan 2024 7:43 am - Jerusalem Time

Biden follows Netanyahu... requesting “euthanasia” for the Palestinians

By Muhammad Qawwas

It is said about disagreements between the administration of US President Joe Biden and the Israeli government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the management of the war in Gaza. It is also said about the loss of personal chemistry between Biden and Netanyahu since the former was serving as US Vice President under Barack Obama. During that era, Netanyahu's relations with the American President worsened to the point that the Israeli Prime Minister was lecturing in Congress and the lawmakers stood applauding for him, without passing through the White House.

It is also said that Washington's envoys, including the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense, the National Security Advisor, the Director of the CIA, and others, clashed with Israeli stubbornness, especially by Netanyahu, who was supported by extremist ministers Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, for not submitting to what was said to be American pressure to lessen the impact of the war on the Gazans. There were even reports of a “difficult call” made recently by Biden and Netanyahu regarding Israel’s obstruction of financial transfers to the Palestinian Authority.

What is being said is supposed to expose an important aversion between Washington and Tel Aviv, but no one in this administration raises, even a hint, the possibility of resorting to sanctions, the first of which is stopping or even obstructing the supply of ammunition and weapons to Israel, which are used in a war of extermination (according to the complaint that Submitted by South Africa to the International Court of Justice) it inflicts a “catastrophe” on the civilians of the Gaza Strip, which American accounts claim that Washington is making an effort to stop.

It is said about disagreements between the administration of US President Joe Biden and the Israeli government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the management of the war in Gaza.

"The tough call"... and bypassing Congress

Only hours after the “difficult call” story, the US administration decided to bypass Congress, as permitted by the laws, for the second time within a month, in order to approve sending military equipment to Israel worth $147.5 million. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken only had to inform Congress that the issue was “urgent,” for the ministry’s spokesman to return to explain that the minister had made a hasty decision based on “the urgent need for Israeli defense.”

It is assumed in theory, and according to the classic ABCs that we repeat, that the pro-Israel Jewish lobby, especially AIPAC, has a fundamental influence in deciding the results of any elections in the United States. According to this premise, the Biden administration arguably has an interest in satisfying the “lobby” by continuing to support Israel without hesitation and not undertaking any policies or actions that would conflict with Israel’s interests. However, the theory of this “influence”, by the way, also applies to the Republican Party regarding its electoral interests in the 2024 presidential elections, while this party, in particular, is the one that is opposing the Democratic administration in Congress and obstructing Biden’s efforts to pass funding laws for Israel (and Ukraine) due to domestic disputes between Bipartisanship.

Israel is a “tool” for America

The relationship between the United States and Israel resides in a complex, complex, and multi-layered equation that cannot be hastily simplified. According to this complexity, it is permissible to argue about whether Washington is “managed” by the Israeli interests lobby in a way that did not and does not allow for a conflict between administrations and governments in Tel Aviv to the point of erecting military air bridges to support Israel when necessary. It may also be recognized that Israel is also a strategic tool of Washington's foreign policy and the strategic security of the United States, and therefore its protection and defense are an American interest par excellence.

We will not worry too much about finding an accurate final solution to this puzzle. But it is most likely that the American position (since the United States inherited leadership of the Western world from the two major colonial powers, France and Britain, and forced them, with a position from President Dwight Eisenhower to stop the 1956 war against Egypt), is based on the issue of “instinctive” support for Israel on ideological bases related to the societal cultural structure. The political interest of the United States on the one hand, and on the bases of strategic interest that make Israel an asset and not a branch of American foreign policy.

The most accurate assessment of the American position is that Washington hoped, just like Israel, to quickly resolve the Gaza war, eliminate Hamas, its “Qassams” and its tunnels, and impose an Israeli fait accompli.

No rational person can help but conclude that the United States is waging war in Gaza. It is true that reports spoke of the presence of American forces from the Pentagon to provide a form of advisory aid to Israel only, but Washington is waging the war with absolute support to provide strength to Israel’s immunity, just as it did in the 1973 war, and the late Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was forced to accept a ceasefire because “there is no He wants to fight the United States,” he said. In the Gaza war, the United States not only provided weapons and ammunition without conditions (which Senator Bernie Sanders, leader of the left wing of the Biden Democratic Party demanded), but also moved its strategic naval vessels and pushed military reinforcements towards the region to provide an incubating military environment for Israel.

Israel is “part of the map” of America

The matter must also be placed in a broader global context.

Historically, Israel is part of American supremacy in the world and one of its most important strategic bases in the world. If China, Russia, India and other countries have developed their relations with Israel in recent decades, it has been based on and because of this fact. In American calculations, Israel is an integral part of the United States’ maps in its geostrategic transformations against China since the Obama era. Of course, Israel falls within the American balance of power in the current conflict with Russia, and Israel manages its relations with Moscow and Beijing in balance.

America is waging the war in Gaza as if it were its own war, because Israel’s superiority provides the United States with superiority in the Middle East as well and the dominance of its forces in repelling the worrying advance attempts of China first and Russia second in this region. Just as the United States strikes Iran's arms in Iraq, for example, Israel strikes those arms in Syria as another example, in a way that reveals the distribution of roles in curbing Iranian expansion, from which more severe dangers emanate from China and Russia.

Netanyahu will not yield to pressure

A few days ago, American diplomat Dennis Ross came out with a theory that explains the relative aspect of the United States’ ability to pressure Israel. The man, who in the 1990s always played roles in negotiations in the backrooms of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, believes that “the threat to withhold American aid will only make the Israelis continue what they are doing on their own,” as he claims, and he has long been accused of favoring Israel. It is true that Israel is still afraid of undertaking major adventures without American and Western support, but a political and intellectual current in Israel, and even in the United States, believes that Washington will be forced, in accordance with American security theory and beliefs, to intervene to support Israel even if it goes it alone.

The most accurate assessment of the American position is that Washington hoped, just like Israel, to quickly resolve the Gaza war, eliminate Hamas, its “Qassams” and its tunnels, and impose an Israeli fait accompli. While the matter is more difficult than planned, especially because of the international moral scandal imposed by the massacres in Gaza, the administration in Washington is keeping pace with the Israeli effort so that all American delegates emerge from their meetings with their Israeli counterparts “understanding” the Israeli position and “agreeing” to prolong the stages of the war and “Satisfied” with promises that the battles would provide “euthanasia” for civilians. In parallel, the Washington administration is going to sell us in the region, with Secretary Blinken’s withered eyes, discovering the two-state solution, while Biden is trying, through “difficult calls,” to mediate with Netanyahu to release its money to the Ramallah Authority, so that Washington becomes the difficult necessary figure for all parties and, of course, for peace in the region and in the world.


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Biden follows Netanyahu... requesting “euthanasia” for the Palestinians