Thu 28 Dec 2023 10:34 am - Jerusalem Time
Creating an alternative hero and solving the two comebacks
The virtues and achievements of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” are difficult to enumerate. It is similar to Noah’s Flood, when the earth was flooded with water and exploded from all sides, drowning everything and creating a new reality that extends almost into all aspects of life on our planet. Indeed, it seems that whoever chose to call it the Flood was aware It speaks of a cosmic seismic event whose effects include all aspects of life in our region and many regions of the world.
The eye cannot be mistaken about the many changes that struck our country as a result of this flood. Thousands of pages have been written on this topic, and the door is still open for more. The flood is at its peak and the earth has not yet swallowed its water, and the ship is still in the sea and has not yet settled on the coast. It seems that the one who is pleased by Allah is the one who is inspired to ride it, but as for the one who lags behind in this, only Allah knows what his fate will be, and what we are saying here is not an exaggeration as much as it is a preliminary extrapolation whose effects will appear, and some of which are beginning to appear, in the medium and long term.
“Fruits” have begun to bear fruit in the social aspect in a stark way, as we notice a profound change in the interests of the younger generation.
Aside from the military, political and economic readings, the results of which are clearly visible, whether on the Zionist entity or those who support and support it, and those who stand alongside the owners of the ship, there are “fruits” that have begun to bear fruit in the social aspect in a stark way, as we notice a profound change in the interests of the emerging generation, Whether in our country or the Frankish countries. In this regard, a friend told me that he entered his teenage son’s room and was shocked that all the pictures he was hanging on the wall had completely changed, as he had put on the wall pictures of male and female singers, electronic game posters, football stars, and those he called “influencers.”
Popular media platforms, and all of this was replaced with pictures of Abu Ubaida, the military spokesman for the Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, pictures of Sheikh Izz al-Din al-Qassam himself, pictures of Hamas fighters, and pictures of bombings and heroics in Gaza. His room was also decorated with formations of black and white keffiyehs, which became a symbol of resistance. My friend tells me that his son, from the moment the flood began, became a different person. He follows political events, pays attention to the details of the news, discusses war and aggression, gets emotional with its events, and sometimes reaches the point of crying whenever the enemy deepens his aggression, and before that he did not pay attention to all of these. Things occupied him. He was occupied with football and the singer dancing bare-chested on stage, and he was fascinated by electronic games, to the point that today he began planning to design an electronic game that tells the story of the resistance, confronting the enemy, and talks about the heroics of the Qassams, the war, and Palestine.
This is not the only boy whose being was upended by the war. It seems that his generation began searching for an alternative “hero” that would inspire him, ignite his imagination, and remove him from the circle of interests on which the international media linked to Zionism and Freemasonry spent billions of dollars to steal the minds of the generation, distract it from its reality, and fill its imagination with dreams and ambitions. Plans that are far removed from the concerns of Palestine and the nation and its problems.
In other words, the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation erased layers of accumulated illusion from the collective consciousness of young people, and brought them back to themselves, so they began looking for other tournaments as alternatives to the tournaments that were designed, in order to inspire and occupy them. This is a tremendous work, and it could not have happened except with a seismic event whose impact reached the core of consciousness. Collectively, most likely, whoever designed the flood would not have imagined that its effects would extend to this depth!
The Al-Aqsa Flood was a genius name for a huge event that is still interacting, and it may be a new beginning for writing a new history not for the region, but for many regions of the world.
More than this, the impact of the flood was not limited to the Arab collective mind, but rather extended to the Western collective mind in one way or another, albeit with different effects and extensions that did not affect the younger generation, but rather extended to the older generations, where they, each according to their understanding, began to wonder. About the secret of the legendary steadfastness of the people of Gaza, so that they realize, after research and exploration, that it is due to their belief in Islam and the Qur’an, which is what prompted them to read the Holy Qur’an and become educated in Islam, to realize the impact of religion on the souls of the giants of Gaza, which led, in turn, to their entry into religion. God bless you in droves. It is sufficient to point out here the opinion poll that revealed that more than half of American youth support “Hamas” and see the solution in the end of Israel and its handing over to the Palestinians and “Hamas.” This means that they are in favor of what was called the two-return solution, meaning the return of the Palestinians to their country, Palestine, and the return of The Jews to their countries from which they came, not the two-state solution that has been on the lips of most world leaders without having even a small share of the realistic balance on the ground!
In addition, the heroism and steadfastness of Gaza settled in the global collective conscience, and created what was called the multi-ethnic popular uprising, the manifestations of which swept across the world, in solidarity with Palestine, and ousting blind support for Israel and its brutal policies in Palestine, to the point that US President Biden said, in unacceptable terms: Interpretation: The safety of the Jewish people is literally at stake “as a result of Israel’s loss of blind international support.”
The Al-Aqsa Flood was a genius name for a huge event that is still interacting, and it may be a new beginning for writing a new history not for the region, but for many regions of the world.
Source: Alaraby AlJadeed
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Creating an alternative hero and solving the two comebacks