Tue 21 Nov 2023 4:12 pm - Jerusalem Time

62 male and female journalists were killed in the Gaza Strip since October 7

The International Federation of Journalists, headquartered in the Belgian capital, Brussels, on Tuesday condemned Israel's killing of journalists in the Gaza Strip.

The number of journalists dead as a result of the ongoing Israeli war on the Gaza Strip has risen to 62 male and female journalists since last October 7.

The government media office in Gaza said, “The death of journalists Alaa Al-Hasanat and Ayat Khaddura in an Israeli bombing on Monday brings the number of killed journalists to 62 since the beginning of the Israeli aggression.”

The media office published photos and names of dead journalists, including 6 female journalists.

In a statement, the Union demanded an immediate investigation into the killing of journalists in the Gaza Strip.


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62 male and female journalists were killed in the Gaza Strip since October 7