
الثّلاثاء 17 أكتوبر 2023 1:46 مساءً - بتوقيت القدس

condolences to Jaser Abu Mousa

The Representative Office of Switzerland in the OPT extends its heartfelt condolences in sorrow to our colleague Jaser Abu Mousa for the tragic loss of his wife, two children and his nephew

.Our hearts and minds go out to you, our dear colleague

.We cannot imagine the pain and heartache, grief you are feeling

May you find solace in your wonderful memories of your beloved family during this heartbreaking time

Our heartfelt sympathy and condolences to you and your family in this tough time to  endure this difficult situation

.We will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers

Sincere deepest condolences


أسعار العملات

الأربعاء 08 مايو 2024 10:24 صباحًا

دولار / شيكل

بيع 3.7

شراء 3.68

دينار / شيكل

بيع 5.22

شراء 5.19

يورو / شيكل

بيع 3.97

شراء 3.95

رغم قرار مجلس الأمن.. هل تجتاح إسرائيل رفح؟




(مجموع المصوتين 232)

القدس حالة الطقس