

Tue 24 Oct 2023 8:05 pm - Jerusalem Time

Israel once again chose death

Written by: Rogel Elfer

The massacre in the Gaza Strip is a new founding ethos of Israeli society, and it perfectly and frighteningly links the Holocaust and Nazi atrocities to Hamas and the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. According to the new spirit, those who are slaughtering are not only Hamas men, but the entire Palestinian community in Gaza and in the Authority. From now on, all Palestinians are Nazis who deserve to die. Occupation, expulsion and killing must be carried out.

Since the Israeli massacre, the sofa men have been gathering at home and waiting for the war in front of four channels that continuously broadcast testimonies of the massacre and the kidnapping of hostages. Israeli society destroys itself in a poignant film of bereavement, which is good for morale. The wait gets longer, the attack slows down, and the stories continue to flow.

These stories not only waste time, but they become time itself. It contains the fundamental, profound Israeli narrative: Jews are innocent victims of horrific Nazi killers. The amount of stories is large and they shape the collective consciousness. Citizens of Israel are now going through a process of intellectual change. They have become a conscripted society, a people forming an army, a people of heroes, a people united as one man, together. Once again, there is no distinct Israeli identity. Only there are Jews who are dragged like sheep to the slaughter and swear revenge. As if there had been no country for 75 years since the disaster. Orphaned Jews in the Land of Israel await the Messiah. They are waiting for salvation. Joe Biden, the paternal custodian, was not received here like a father. He was attached to him like a Savior.

  How many terrible stories can the average person consume every day? Israelis feel a moral duty through shared destiny to hear all the stories, all the time. Almost every moment they sit watching television late at night or early in the morning, throughout the day or evening, they hear about atrocities. When switching between channels, they can choose the terrible action they like.

The competition between TV channels is a market for horrors, they market the stories as content and try to attract viewers with them. They promise new horizons of excitement in all aspects: in the level of mourning, the power of anger it will arouse, the dimension of trauma and the recognition of the revealed miracle. Just before I sat down to write, I watched Shay Golden try to entice viewers with the promise of a story the likes of which they had not yet heard. This story hasn't happened yet, brag. As a deceitful person who wants to market his goods. Stories of atrocities blind and paralyze the public, robbing them of the ability to think logically. Israel is eager for battle. The war covers up the anger, and the protest against the kidnapped people who were betrayed by their state in an open and criminal way neutralizes the anger and protest against Benjamin Netanyahu.

As blind people, we are drawn into war behind a leader who only thinks about himself. A leader who has a personal interest in prolonging it. Its end, deliberately and mysteriously, will be far away until after winter. A war that could lead us to regional conflicts on multiple fronts and even conflicts between great powers. Thousands of Israelis could be killed on the Gaza battlefield and in the devastated streets of Gush Dan. The war could end with the occupation of the Gaza Strip, and at the same time with the strengthening of the occupation and apartheid in the West Bank.

At our head stands a person who, before the massacre, caused more harm to the state than he had done to it throughout its history. Architect of destruction. He is the person whom Israel follows, as usual, with distinctive submission and by sacrificing the kidnapped to the sounds of the drums of war. With a disastrous logic, Israel once again chose death. Israeli death is always a justified and very inevitable death.

source: Agencies 


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Israel once again chose death