Thu 19 Oct 2023 9:00 pm - Jerusalem Time

Israel kills 10 Palestinians in Tulkarm with suicide drones

Israel killed 10 Palestinians in violent confrontations in Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm, bringing to about 16 the number of people it killed during the past 12 hours in the West Bank.

Nour Shams camp witnessed very violent confrontations between Palestinian militants and the Israeli army, which used drones to attack Palestinian fighters, and was exposed to explosive devices that left wounded among its ranks.

Israel turned the camp into a war zone, after cutting it into parts, and opened fire on Palestinians throughout the day, to the point where residents dragged the bodies of young men and children to the camp mosque to await the arrival of ambulances.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced, late on Thursday, “The arrival of a sixth martyr shot by the Israeli occupation to Tulkarm Governmental Hospital, as a result of the aggression against Nour Shams camp, which raises the death toll in the camp to 7 martyrs, while we received an indication of the presence of other martyrs whose ambulances could not.” Take them to the hospital.” Palestinian sources confirmed that there were at least 4 bodies in the mosque.

On Thursday morning, Israel stormed the camp, imposed a siege on it, and entered into confrontations during which it targeted armed men with drones, and broadcast pictures of the bombing in one of the camp’s streets.

Palestinian factions announced that their fighters were engaged in clashes in the Nour Shams camp, causing casualties among the ranks of the Israeli army.

The Israeli police said in a statement that during an operational operation in the refugee camp in Nur al-Shams, border guard soldiers were injured. The army and police confirmed that their operation, which lasted for more than 10 hours, aimed to thwart the infrastructure of the fighters in the sunlight. 

The operation witnessed an exchange of fire and the throwing of explosive devices, one of which injured 10 soldiers, one of whom was in serious condition.

This brings the number of those killed by Israel to 16 in the West Bank, including 4 children, within 12 hours, which brings the number of those killed in the West Bank since the start of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” on October 7 of this year to 78.


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Israel kills 10 Palestinians in Tulkarm with suicide drones