Mon 02 Oct 2023 1:37 pm - Jerusalem Time

Palestine Ex-Detainees Authority reveals hardships of four sick prisoners

Today, Monday, after the visit of its lawyer Fadi Obaidat, the Prisoners and Ex-Detainees Authority revealed a group of medical conditions for a number of Palestinian prisoners held in the Negev prison.

Among the cases is the case of prisoner Munther Dhib (23 years old), from the town of Silwad/Ramallah, who has been suffering from pain in the right side of the back and abdomen for a month and a half and does not know the cause. He was informed by the detainee’s doctor that he needs to undergo tests in the hospital. However, the prison administration only gives him painkillers.

Meanwhile, prisoner Thaer Hasaniyeh (48 years old), from the city of Jenin, has been suffering from gum infections and tooth and molar tooth decay since 2005. This led to the loss of most of his molars and teeth because the necessary treatment was not provided to him. He is in need of treatment, and is still waiting until now, as the administration deliberately The detainee is neglecting his health condition. He also complains of middle ear infections and is only given drops. He needs to have x-rays taken and be shown to an ear and throat doctor. However, the prison administration is still practicing the policy of keeping the situation as it is, which increases the suffering of the prisoners, especially those with sentences. The high.

As for the prisoner Ibrahim Abbas (23 years old), from the city of Jenin, who is currently in the “Naqab” prison, he suffers from health problems, as he is exposed to frequent fainting cases on a daily basis, without any reason. He was transferred to “Soruka” Hospital, where he stayed for four days and underwent surgery. Numerous medical examinations, EEG, and x-rays, in addition to blood tests, where the results of the examinations showed that they were stable, noting that he was exposed to cases of fainting in the hospital, and complained of severe pains and aches in the head, which subsequently caused him to lose the ability to see and lose consciousness, but the prison administration merely gave him Painkillers and deliberately neglecting him medically.

While the prisoner Muhammad Haniyeh (21 years old), from the city of Tulkarm, suffers from a sharp increase in blood sugar levels, and two weeks ago it reached record levels and does not fall below (400 mg). This sudden increase led to a sharp drop in weight, and within just a week the prisoner Haniyeh ( 20 kilograms) of its weight.

The prisoner also vomits everything he eats and complains of abdominal pain. He was transferred to the prison clinic, and was given intravenous insulin needles to lower the sugar level, but to no avail. He was returned to the department, and as a result of his unstable health condition, he was returned to the hospital. Many medical examinations were conducted for him, and the doctors informed him. That his pancreas stopped working, in addition to problems with the thyroid gland and a weak heartbeat, his vision deteriorated, and the prisoner Haniyeh remained in the hospital for three days to be returned to the prison.

The authority held the Israeli prison administration fully responsible for the continuing series of medical negligence against Palestinian detainees, and called on international institutions, human rights organizations and the Red Cross to fully play their necessary role towards the issue of detainees.


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Palestine Ex-Detainees Authority reveals hardships of four sick prisoners