Sat 02 Sep 2023 9:45 pm - Jerusalem Time

For the 35th Week, Renewed demonstrations Against Netanyahu Government

Today, Saturday evening, the protest demonstrations against the government of Benjamin Netanyahu and its plan to weaken the "judicial system" were renewed for the 35th consecutive week.

Demonstrations took place in dozens of cities and towns, including Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem, Rehovot, Kfar Saba, Herzliya, and Ness Ziona.

Tens of thousands participated in the central demonstration on "Kaplan" Street in the center of Tel Aviv. A massive demonstration was also organized at the "Horef" junction in Haifa, the "Karkur" junction near Pardes Hanna, and the "Karmiel" junction.

Protest organizers announced the organization of three-day marches in the south and north at the end of next week, similar to the march they organized from Tel Aviv to the Knesset headquarters in Jerusalem, last July.

They pointed to the escalation of their protests ahead of the start of the Supreme Court sessions on September 12 to consider several petitions to cancel the "limiting reasonableness" law approved by the Knesset, Jewish holidays, and the opening of the winter session of the Knesset.

On July 24, the Israeli Knesset voted, in the second and third readings, on a bill abolishing the reasonableness argument, thus becoming an effective law despite widespread internal objections.

The law would prevent Israeli courts, including the Supreme Court, from applying what is known as the "standard of reasonableness" to decisions made by elected officials.

The law abolishing the reasonableness argument is one of the 8 bills put forward by the Israeli government as part of its plan to weaken the judiciary.

The Netanyahu government seeks to make radical amendments to the legal and judicial systems, to almost completely eliminate the Supreme Court's authority for judicial review, and to give the government an automatic majority in the judges' selection committee, which a wide segment of Israelis sees as "targeting democracy and undermining the judicial system."

Since the plan was announced in early January, tens of thousands of Israelis have demonstrated weekly to denounce the government that Netanyahu formed in December and its plan to weaken the "judiciary".


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For the 35th Week, Renewed demonstrations Against Netanyahu Government