Wed 14 Jun 2023 7:14 am - Jerusalem Time

Israeli army detains six Palestinians in occupied West Bank, Jerusalem

The Israeli military arrested six citizens in separate areas of the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem.

According to local sources, Israeli forces entered the Kharouba neighborhood in Jenin and arrested two brothers, Muhammad and Deiaa Turkman.

The young man, Qusay Abu Al-Rub, from the town of Jalboun, was arrested following the raid on his family's home.

Amer Salameh, a resident of Tulkarm refugee camp, was arrested when he passed the Deir Sharaf checkpoint in Nablus.

In occupied Jerusalem, Ahmed Al-Sheikh was arrested after storming his house in the town of Anata, north of the city.

Shadi Sharhah was arrested after being assaulted on Al-Wad Street in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City, occupied Jerusalem.


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Israeli army detains six Palestinians in occupied West Bank, Jerusalem