Sat 29 Apr 2023 8:24 am - Jerusalem Time

Force-feeding.. The occupation's method of torturing striking prisoners!

The Israeli occupation authorities do not stop torturing prisoners, through systematic policies, even when they are on hunger strike.

Force-feeding is one of the methods used by the occupation to force the prisoners on hunger strike to eat or receive nutrients. This is done by using various methods, including inserting feeding tubes into the stomach of the hunger-striking prisoner through the nose and injecting foodstuffs through them forcefully into the stomach, which is a dangerous method that previously caused the death of several prisoners, or by introducing foodstuffs and liquids by injection into the bloodstream (veins). , Blood vessels).

Forced feeding.. abuse of the captive

The Israeli occupation considers force-feeding as a means of torturing and abusing the hunger-striking prisoner. The head of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club, Qaddoura Fares, confirmed in an interview with, pointing out that the Israeli Knesset passed a force-feeding law against the striking prisoner in 2015, but Israel did not find any Who enforces that law yet.

On July 30, 2015, the Knesset ratified the Force-Feeding of Prisoners Law, in the second and third readings, by a majority of 46 votes against 40 votes. "Their lives were in danger."

According to Fares, the Israeli Medical Association has threatened to dismiss any doctor who implements it because it harms the reputation of doctors globally. They consider force-feeding a process of abuse and torture of the prisoner, but if a nurse or policeman is found carrying it out, then this means going towards killing the prisoner.

Killer nutrition!

Since the eighties of the last century, Israel has stopped the method of force-feeding with its cruel and deadly concept of "inserting food with a plastic tube into the stomach", after the martyrdom of four striking prisoners who were forcibly fed, according to what the head of the Palestinian Prisoners' Club, Qadura Fares, confirmed.

The four captive martyrs who died after being force-fed are: Abdul Qadir Abu al-Fahm, who died as a martyr on 11/5/1970, Rasem Halawa, who died as a martyr on 7/20/1980, and Ali al-Jaafari, who died as a martyr on 7/24/1980. and Ishaq Maragheh, who was martyred in 1983 after 3 years of being force-fed.

Force-feeding is done in two ways, the first is by forcibly inserting a plastic tube into the prisoner's stomach, and the second method is force-feeding through blood.

Feeding with a plastic tube through the stomach is fatal and dangerous, as it is inserted into the nostril, then pushed through the esophagus, until it reaches the stomach. Then the nutrients are injected into the stomach, a method in which four prisoners were martyred.

Force feeding through blood!

What Israel practices by forcibly feeding the striking prisoners in recent times, through blood through intravenous catheters by force; The tube is attached to a vein, and then nutrient fluids, glucose, salts or nutrients are pumped directly into the bloodstream.

The head of the Commission for Detainees and Ex-Prisoners Affairs, Major General Qadri Abu Bakr, told “Israel practices feeding by example when it wants by giving the prisoner an intravenous needle, unlike the previous method of feeding the prisoner through the nose into the stomach because it is dangerous and leads to the death of the prisoner, so Israel resorted to feeding.” through the vein.

Abu Bakr stresses that force-feeding through blood takes place against the will of the prisoner, by giving him supplements and vitamins, especially prisoners who are at risk and fall into a coma.

For his part, the leader of the Islamic Jihad movement, the released prisoner Maher al-Akhras, who went on a hunger strike for 104 days, told “The occupation authorities cannot forcefully feed a prisoner through an IV while he is conscious, unless he is out of consciousness.” Only awareness.

Al-Akhras continues, "During the days of my strike, they tried to feed me by inserting food into the mouth, as well as by trying to give me nutrients intravenously, but I prevented them and refused, because force might put the prisoner in a state of danger."

Al-Akhras refers to numerous attempts by the Israeli occupation authorities to deceive him, to force him to end his strike, but he was vigilant and failed to do so, noting that feeding the prisoner through food aid means prolonging the life of the strike and keeping him alive without responding to his demands.


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Force-feeding.. The occupation's method of torturing striking prisoners!