Fri 28 Apr 2023 11:18 am - Jerusalem Time

Netanyahu.. dreams of Saudi Arabia!!

Bibi realizes how much influence Saudi Arabia has on Israeli public opinion, so that an allegation of less connection with it seems useful in terms of improving the image and attracting popular support, especially at a time when the chances of the "magician" to remain at the top of power for a new term have declined.

Since his last victory, "Bibi" has not stopped spreading good tidings to voters and opponents that the relationship with Saudi Arabia is just around the corner from being achieved, and that his entry into history through this door has become guaranteed!!

Netanyahu knows, but ignores it
Unfortunately for Bibi, there are those in Israel itself who lie to him and consider that he is misleading himself, before the public, and is trying to fabricate an achievement that has no basis in reality.

Netanyahu knows, but ignores that the kingdom has a highly credible, and clearly declared policy, the basis of which is that "there is no official and normal relationship with Israel before it responds to the Arab peace initiative." This is exactly what Netanyahu does. It also works to turn the rules of the game upside down, denying the essentiality of the Palestinian cause in the Arab world, and giving priority to normalization and establishing relations with those with whom Israel has no relationship, as if the central issue of the Arab world had been buried and its presence abolished, and the Arabs have only to acknowledge its end or its sinking in the ocean of relations. The new Israeli in the region.

Netanyahu finds in Israel someone who tells him facts of reality that are completely contradictory to his propaganda propositions, especially when he presents himself as the protector of the region from the “Iranian threat,” ignoring the fact that he is more in need of someone to protect him and his country from the threat strongly present within it, and from his denial of the permanent threat represented by Iran. The confiscation of the rights of a people numbering in the millions is spreading in and around the Israeli body. This is indicated by the strategic report on the real threats to Israel's security, which is usually drawn up by a government apparatus, and Netanyahu and everyone like him do not ignore this evidence-supported diagnosis, but rather work against it.

What embarrasses Netanyahu and all those who exclude the solution of the Palestinian issue from their programs and policies is that the new package of relations that was achieved in the Arab and Islamic spheres did not distance the Palestinian cause from its deep position in the Arab and Islamic worlds, and did not even convince those who carried out it that Israel is a source of protection and reassurance for them, and what What happened in response to the wave of attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan was the most telling evidence of that.

Returning interest in the Palestinian cause
Perhaps the regional and international developments have reduced the urgent interest in the Palestinian cause due to the emergence of more urgent issues, including the war raging in Europe, but the lack of interest will not continue forever, nor will it negate the cause of the depth and effectiveness of the Palestinian cause. This is what the reality says and is confirmed by the events, which, as soon as attention turns away from the Palestinian issue, it returns to it with greater force. Didn't the American administration bring all its leaders to Jerusalem, Amman and Ramallah in an effort to calm down, even if it was temporary? Didn't the Al-Aqsa raids by the Ben Ghafir police become the preoccupation of the whole world, and we don't just say the Arab and Islamic worlds?

Wasn't reducing participation in the prayers of Palestinian Christians in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and preventing Gaza Christians from coming to it the preoccupation of the whole world, who saw on screens how the Israeli police nullify the Hebrew state's boast of providing freedom of worship to all sects??

If Netanyahu and those like him in Israel want security and stability, they will not find it thousands of miles away, but rather they will find it when the Palestinians are satisfied with a just solution to their issue, and then Netanyahu's dream of establishing relations with Saudi Arabia will not be as rambunctious as it is now... This is if he remains in place until then. the time!!


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Netanyahu.. dreams of Saudi Arabia!!


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