Mon 03 Apr 2023 4:34 pm - Jerusalem Time
Prisoners Commission: Releasing Jerusalemite youths under restrictive conditions
The Commission for Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs reported, on Monday, that the Occupation Court in the occupied city of Jerusalem decided to release Jerusalemite youths, under restrictive and unfair conditions against them.
She explained that Al-Maqdisi Muhammad Rawida was released after 28 days in the occupation cells, on the condition of being removed from Al-Aqsa Mosque for a month, and the prisoner, Raeda Al-Julani, on the condition of house arrest and banning the use of social networks.
The two young men, Ahmed Ghazaleh, Mahmoud Shawish, and Muhammad al-Bakri, were released on the condition of house arrest and a ban on entering Al-Aqsa Mosque and using the Internet.
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Prisoners Commission: Releasing Jerusalemite youths under restrictive conditions