Wed 15 Mar 2023 10:11 pm - Jerusalem Time

Galon calls on Gantz to control and calm his forces in the West Bank

Translation by "Jerusalem" dot com - Meretz party leader Zahava Galon called on Saturday, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz, to control his forces operating against the Palestinians .

Galleons in the Petah Tikva cultural group said that Gantz must work to control and calm the soldiers in order to avoid the cost of blood.

Turning to the actions of extremist Knesset member Itamar Ben Gvir, she said: "His whole goal is to ignite a religious conflict in Jerusalem, especially in the Palestinian neighborhoods, until he reaches the Temple Mount, and he is ready to pay the price for the blood of Jews and Arabs in order to be able to take pictures of his election campaign."


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Galon calls on Gantz to control and calm his forces in the West Bank