Ramallah – “Jerusalem” dot com – On Sunday, the Prisoner’s Club held the occupation prison administration fully responsible for the fate of the prisoner Ali al-Hroub (48 years) from the city of Dura / Hebron, who suffers from continuous deterioration due to a tumor that began to appear under the armpit and chest. a year ago.
The club indicated in a statement that the prisoner of war, at the time, underwent surgery during which he was removed, but his health condition continued to deteriorate, and several days ago, the prisoner of war was transferred from the "Negev" prison to the Israeli "Barzlai" hospital.
And that the doctors confirmed the emergence of a new tumor in the lower back, the nature of which has not been determined, and that it needs a new stage of treatment.
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The Captive Club holds the occupation responsible for the fate of the prisoner, Ali al-Hroub