Written by: Walid Al-Awad
On a visit that is the first of its kind since sitting in the presidency less than two years ago, US President Joe Biden arrived in the region, during which he is expected to meet many leaders and leaders of the region, and he will also meet with President Mahmoud Abbas on Friday in the city of Bethlehem. The features of the visit, as indicated by its introductions, are clearly visible, based primarily on the United States seeking to impose new priorities different from what prevailed over the past seven decades, during which the Arab-Israeli conflict, and its core, the Palestinian cause, occupied the center of global attention.
This visit carries multiple warnings that the US President himself and the staff of his administration pre-empted with a series of statements that confirmed that its most important goal is to consolidate Israel's position in the region and maintain its security. Its letters are accurately and carefully during the term of former President Donald Trump, which confirms that the current US administration is following the same path that successive US administrations have been following, especially with regard to the strategic relationship with Israel, and among the objectives of the upcoming visit also stands out the quest to form an alliance with multiple economic goals , political and military, in which the Israeli role is pivotal.
Many data indicate so far that the issue of forming such an alliance has not matured due to the rejection of some influential countries of this form of alliances that are being planned between Israel and the United States of America, especially with regard to a military alliance establishing a (Middle Eastern NATO) and dealing in light of it with Iran as a source The danger to the peoples of the region and the Arab countries, and completely ignoring the fact that Israel is based on this transformation, if it is achieved through its continuous aggression, its racist nature, and its continued denial of the resolutions of international legitimacy, is the source of the permanent danger to security, stability, and peace in the region and the world.
The great concern about the consequences of this visit on the Palestinian level is great, not only because of the marginalization of the Palestinian cause and the shifting of conflict priorities in the region; Rather, this poisoned visit will be at the expense of the Palestinian cause, its status, and the necessity of resolving it by applying the resolutions of international legitimacy on the issue of Palestine, and the greatest fear is that it will be sufficient to provide some improvements and economic facilities in addition to some poisoned gifts and promises, and avoid touching the basic issues, even those that Biden had previously promised. Himself, in addition to continuing to adopt the policy of successive administrations to stand by the occupying state and not to exert any pressure on it and oblige it to stop its aggression, settlement, daily killings, continued detention, siege, land confiscation, and the Judaization of Jerusalem, and the need to compel it to implement the start of a serious political process through an international conference that leads to implementation Resolutions of international legitimacy to end the occupation and enable the Palestinian people to establish their independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital and to resolve the refugee issue in accordance with Resolution 194. Therefore, it must be said very clearly that there is no betting or dependence on what the visit can bring in the interest of the Palestinian people and their rights, but it is without a doubt It will represent a serious test of the credibility of the promises that Biden and his campaign had made during the first campaign. The elections that brought him to the presidential seat two years ago, and these are promises that, if fulfilled in their entirety, can be considered an indication of a new path that can be built upon.
On the Palestinian level, many positions have emerged dealing with how to deal with this visit at the official and popular levels. I believe that with a cautious understanding of this meeting at the official level, as its miserable results are almost known to all, but the reality of our Palestinian situation requires dealing with such meetings according to the jurisprudential rule. “Preventing corruption is better than bringing benefits,” especially since everything Biden carries falls under the framework of multifaceted corruption. This requires that he officially hear what he must hear, adhere to his demand to implement his promises, and be very careful not to provide any cover, no matter how large, that facilitates his malicious mission of integrating the occupying state into the region, and not to take the issue and the official Palestinian position as a bridge to that.
As for the popular level, all those who are aware of the dangers of this visit and its toxic goals are called upon to express in all forms their rejection of what carries with it what we might call poison in honey, and to prepare nationally for the aftermath of this visit, in which everyone will discover that “the bet on it, if any,” was just a mirage. .
* Member of the Palestinian Central Council - Member of the Political Bureau of the Palestinian People's Party
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US President Joe Biden's visit Beware of poisoned honey