Washington - "Jerusalem" dot com - Americans called for boycotting and canceling the "birthright" project funded by the Israeli government and Zionist lobby organizations in the United States of America, which encourages American Jewish youth to emigrate and settle in Israel. The project seeks to justify the policies of apartheid and the daily crimes it implements Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinians.
More than two thousand American citizens have signed the campaign launched by the "Code Pink" organization against these visits. The campaign referred to "the killing policies that the Palestinian people, especially children, are exposed to, and the campaigns of raids, violence, censorship and deadly bombings by Israel since the beginning of the Nakba in 1948." .
The campaign explained that the "birthright" trip that is organized in American universities is a free trip to Israel for 10 days, concealing from visitors the reality of what the Palestinians are subjected to.
She indicated that the goal of the campaign, which she called the "Birthright Boycott" campaign, is to put pressure on the Jewish National Fund and the United Jewish Fund in Chicago to stop activity in American universities and stop funding these visits.
And she indicated that the "right of birth" trips erase the history of Palestine and the Palestinians and completely exclude the fact that the occupation exists from the visit, noting that the organizers of the "right of birth" trips are deeply complicit with the occupation, and encourage Jewish youth to immigrate to and settle in Israel, while the Palestinians are constantly denied the right to return. .
Source: Wafa, the official news agency.
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An American campaign to boycott trips encouraging Jewish youth to settle in Palestine