Wed 15 Mar 2023 9:19 pm - Jerusalem Time

The Israeli Knesset approves a bill that will return settlers to the northern West Bank

The Israeli Knesset approved, on Tuesday morning, a bill to abolish the “separation/withdrawal” law, or what is known as “disengagement,” from settlements in the northern West Bank .

According to the Hebrew site Ynet, it was the approval of the draft law, in the first reading, with the support of a majority of 40 members compared to 17 opponents.

The bill provides for lifting the ban imposed on settlers entering and remaining in the evacuated northern West Bank settlement areas.

This means allowing settlers to return to some of the evacuated settlements, as well as outposts that were evacuated recently, including the Homesh outpost, and allowing them to stay in the yeshiva there.

The new draft law does not apply to settlements evacuated from the Gaza Strip in 2005.


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The Israeli Knesset approves a bill that will return settlers to the northern West Bank