Wed 15 Mar 2023 9:01 pm - Jerusalem Time

Developments of the Israeli security doctrine

Written by the captive: Muhammad Hamami

Today, the Palestinian territories are witnessing a state of discontent and anger, led by the Palestinian youth, who are losing hope in the future, a better tomorrow, and a stable and secure life, in light of the arrogance and violence of the occupation and its escalating military security arms with the orgy of settlers in Jerusalem and the West Bank in particular, not far from the siege of Gaza, and the situation is the same. He says: As long as the occupation continues and as long as the settlement engulfs the land, the future, and the prospects for a just solution, then there will be nothing left for us as young people but to think about escaping from the occupation and by every possible or impossible means without looking at the balance of power. .

Today, Israel operates in accordance with its security doctrine, on the basis of which all its security services, army, and state institutions are founded, and it only cares about consolidating and preserving the occupation. Therefore, the occupation army innovates for us every day a military operation with the names of what God has revealed in terms of authority, so the lawn mowing and the breakwater are two operations that have been introduced for a while in the West Bank and aim to weaken and amputate any struggle that may form against the occupation, which depends on the limited and quick operations of a number of its battalions that have become professional killers. And the assassination, and since the beginning of its two operations, it has killed more than 100 Palestinians under the pretext of security. The last of these operations was on October 1, 2022 AD in the city of Nablus, where a force from the special units of the occupation army surrounded and arrested one of the wanted persons, then withdrew, leaving behind the destruction as usual, and days before that, they stormed the city of Jenin and its camp, which resulted in four martyrs and dozens of injuries, and after that it withdrew to leave behind the smell of sadness. Destruction is in the air.

Israel's policy in the West Bank is nothing but a guarantee card for the continuity of its existence, which depends mainly on security and faithful faith, in which the danger is determined according to the degree of threat to the Israeli presence, and according to the capabilities, capabilities, and military strength of the opponent. Therefore, the Israeli security compass turned towards the danger represented by the Iranian nuclear file and its axis. The regional situation after the Arab Spring in 2011 AD, and the situation changed radically, and other dangers emerged represented by radical Islamic organizations that float to the surface at times and fade at others, and the collapse of some armies and regimes in the region, which in the past posed a real security threat, so that Iran’s nuclear file and its regional ambitions became the common Arab-Israeli danger. . Therefore, Israel sought to "sell" its relations with (moderate) Arab countries, using these fears and regional conditions, in an attempt to assume the role of policeman in the region in light of the noticeable absence of the American administration in the Middle East region, and Israel succeeded in attracting some Gulf countries such as the Arab Emirates and Bahrain publicly. And Qatar and Oman in a non-public manner and out of flirtation with the state that is economically balanced and on an Arab-Islamic level, which is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The talk began to take place through Yair Lapid, the director of the Israeli government’s work, about the two-state solution and other proposed solutions, such as the “Raymon” airport for Palestinian use, and facilities in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, among others. One of the proposals that did not leave the offices, and all of this, is to establish relations and an alliance (security and military) with Saudi Arabia, which, if implemented, will lead to the daring of more Arab and Islamic countries to declare succession.

Within this framework, Israel sought to withdraw pretexts from Hezbollah after its threat to Israel if the gas was extracted from the disputed water borders before the demarcation of the borders, and it postponed the extraction of gas time after time until it reached an Israeli-Lebanese agreement, and thus it is working to give sedatives to the northern and southern fronts. , mowing the lawn and breaking waves in the West Bank until now.

Israel is a government and army that does not see any problem or harm in what settlers are doing in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, due to the compatibility of visions, interests and goals between the government and the settlers who are the vanguard of the state and its spearhead and implementers of Zionist goals. And to achieve the government's policies and desires, including the constant pressure on the Palestinians to force them to voluntarily emigrate. The possibility of Israel exploiting the current regional and global circumstance and an auxiliary circumstance that it might create, such as directing a military strike against Iran or the outbreak of a third world war, and its evidence and indicators are numerous, such as the Russian-Ukrainian war and the escalating tension between China and the United States of America, to revive Plan D and start ethnic cleansing in the West Bank Just as it happened in the years 1947-1948 AD, and it is thus the core of the Israeli security doctrine, restoring one of its most important means, which is ethnic superstition, and introducing others.

Israel dealt with these emerging dangers by developing its pillars and security doctrine. After the 2006 Lebanon War, the pillar of defense was added alongside the previous pillars of the security doctrine, deterrence, warning, and decisiveness. It was added to it after the Arab Spring 2011, along with the strategic alliance with the United States, the alliance with the countries of the region, cyber, space and air. The sea, the land and the underground "tunnels", and succeeded in overcoming the danger of radical Islamic organizations at the level of the Syrian front in northern Israel and in southern Israel opposite Sinai and in Iran succeeded in targeting scientists, targeting nuclear facilities and recruiting agents to collect information, while it succeeded in selling some Gulf countries for the benefit of its goals and may exploit it to strike Iran militarily, using its airports, cut off the Iranian military supply lines to Hezbollah in Syria and hit the tunnels on the Lebanese-Israeli border.

Israel relied on drawing lessons and avoiding mistakes after every confrontation. Accordingly, it spent billions of dollars on defense systems and their development, developing systems to detect and destroy tunnels in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, in addition to developing the Iron Dome and Arrow systems as anti-surface missiles and others. In this regard, and also to train the ground forces and transfer the army from being the people’s army to a small, professional and specialized army. It succeeded to a large extent in all of the above except for the ground force. The ground army failed in the military operation “Protective Edge” in 2014 against the Gaza Strip, and after eight years From the preparation, training and planning that the army received, which followed the Second Lebanon War in 2006 AD, with a clear difference in numbers, equipment, strength, and capabilities between Hezbollah and the resistance factions in Gaza, with superiority in favor of the party.

In conclusion, Israel interacts with all changes and developments in the region and the world on the basis that they are security threats to its state, which always pushes it to develop its tools and means to confront these changes and to carry out developments on the Israeli security doctrine, one of which is the development of a pillar that states sell for the benefit of its security. This is confirmed by Israel expanding its relations with Arab and Islamic countries outside the region, east and west, in order to confine the conflict to the Palestinian and not the Arab-Islamic framework, and thus Israel singles out the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause, which is confirmed by all military measures and operations today against the Palestinian people and the resistance of its people, and towards more He sowed the seeds of a future intifada for the Palestinian people, and it is the seed whose harvest time has come for a new, third Palestinian intifada, the essence of which only its men know. Freedom for Palestine.


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Developments of the Israeli security doctrine