

Wed 15 Mar 2023 8:52 pm - Jerusalem Time

Ibri website: Prisoners' strike will exacerbate the situation in the West Bank

Translation by "Jerusalem" dot com - The Hebrew website Ynet said today, Thursday, that the hunger strike of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons will further detonate the situation in the West Bank , and will not help restore calm to it, especially in light of the calls for confrontation at other points. A petition in solidarity with them, and warnings even from the office of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to warn against harming them.

In an analytical article by Avi Sakharov, the site considered the warning statements, including what was issued by Abu Mazen's office, as a message that the Palestinian Authority will not attempt to intervene or stop the demonstrations in the seam areas to support the prisoners.

Sakharov says that the main headache for the Israeli security apparatus currently in the Palestinian arena, at least, is not the prisoners' strike, but rather the weakness of the Palestinian Authority and the inability of its security services to operate in different areas of the West Bank, especially its north, which are areas that turn into pockets of militants and a mixture of armed cells that launch attacks against Israeli targets to inflict damage.

He pointed out that the fireball rolled from the Jenin camp, to Nablus, and the surrounding villages, and not finally the entry of Silwad near Ramallah on the line of events after several shooting operations were carried out, some of those who carried them out were arrested, which means that the formation of those cells leaked under the watch of the security services. The Israeli is now arriving in Ramallah.

And he considered that the prisoners’ strike, which begins today, will constitute a challenge to the Israeli army and the Shin Bet security service in the coming days, noting that the statistics attest to this more than anything else, after 60 shootings were recorded in the West Bank from the beginning of the year until mid-August, which are numbers Higher than the last two years, in addition to the frustration of double numbers, and talk is about terrifying numbers that we were not accustomed to in the last decade. as he says.

He pointed out that the armed groups confronting the Israeli army forces are different from those that were known in recent years, and it can be said that they are more courageous and seek to fight and refuse to surrender easily, referring to the glorification of these resistance fighters by the Palestinian street and through social networks.

He noted that the militants of the new model of 2023 do not clearly belong to any organization, and they can take pictures of themselves with the banner of Islamic Jihad, and in others of the Al-Aqsa Brigades, and this is what is happening in Jenin and Nablus, and the organization has become less important, while the local identity is the most important incentive. .

He said that the increasing role of the Jihad and Fatah elements in the shooting operations, and their cooperation in that, indicates that this goes beyond punishment, and it is possible that the agents of Hezbollah and Iran in the West Bank, who are seeking to bring about a security escalation there, and Hamas, for its part, does not object to that but rather provides assistance from Yes, and its elements in Gaza and abroad do not stop directing some of the gunmen to carry out operations.

He adds, "During the first years of the second intifada, Hezbollah sought to spend a lot of money to ignite the situation in the West Bank through Fatah elements, especially in Nablus, and such a scenario is likely to happen again, especially in light of attempts to smuggle weapons from the borders." .

The Israeli analyst believes that offering economic privileges to the Palestinians to push them to live in peace with the current reality seems like a pipe dream, and confirms that the Israeli attempts to bury the "head in the sand" in everything related to the Palestinian arena since 2009 until today, the field refuses to accept.


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Ibri website: Prisoners' strike will exacerbate the situation in the West Bank