Ramallah - "Jerusalem" dot com - The Ministry of Education , and within the activities of the Year of Education Sovereignty in Jerusalem, revived the Palestinian Teacher's Day, announcing the results of the Palestine Teacher Award for the year 2022, "the session of the late Hisham Mukahl," Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Teachers.
And he won the title of Palestine Teacher for the year 2022, the educator, Maha Jamal Abu Manshar, at the Yasser Amr Secondary School for Girls, from the Hebron Education Directorate.
This came with participation; Assistant Undersecretary for Educational Affairs Ayoub Alyan, Assistant Undersecretary for Student Affairs Sadiq Al-Khadour, Secretary General of the Palestinian Teachers Union Saed Irzeigat, and representatives of official, civil and community institutions and the educational family.
And at the beginning of his speech; Elayan saluted the teachers for their giving and distinction despite the challenges, recalling the late Makhal, who dismounted after a march full of giving, stressing that the Ministry of Education is continuing everything that would do justice to our teachers and preserve their rights, and stressing commitment to the agreement signed with the General Union of Teachers, referring to the continuous efforts and coordination With the union and the concerned authorities in order to guarantee the rights of teachers.
Elayan touched on the current circumstances and the occupation's violations of the right to education and the continuous targeting of schools in Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and in all regions, praising the efforts of those in charge of the celebration and all the arbitration committees that followed and worked objectively in this context.
turn; Irzeigat talked about the pioneering role of teachers, their struggle, patience and dedication in carrying out their lofty mission, expressing his pride in the close relationship between the union and the ministry and the achievements made for the sake of teachers and moving forward in working towards fairness and strengthening their status in all respects, developing the internal system and holding elections, and expanding the base of participation In the union and asking the government to implement the agreements signed with him, he also referred to the biography of the late Mukahl and stations from his professional life and his work for the sake of teachers and raising their status.
In her speech, on behalf of the teachers of Palestine, the educator Nadia Al-Jazzar from the Gaza Strip spoke about the giving and pride of the teachers, saying: “The teacher has a great role in society, and it is a role that can never be denied. The first building block in building the edifice of society,” expressing her thanks to the Ministry of Education for this honor and her constant appreciation to the teachers.
The celebration included performances by teachers, and artistic performances, represented by the choir of education in southern Nablus, and singing and solo playing by the student, Mays Nairat, from Ramallah and Al-Bireh Education.
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The Ministry of Education announces the Palestinian teacher for the year 2022