Minya , Egypt - (Xinhua) - 22 Egyptians were killed and 33 others injured in a traffic collision that occurred today (Tuesday) on the eastern desert road in Minya Governorate, south of Cairo.
Minya Governor Major General Osama Al-Qadi said in a statement that "the eastern desert road in Minya Governorate witnessed, in the early hours of this morning, a terrible accident that killed 22 people and injured 33 others."
The accident occurred after a mass transit bus collided with a transport vehicle that was parked on the side of the road at kilometer 93 of the eastern desert road at Mallawi Center, according to the statement.
Immediately, the executive authorities in Minya moved to the accident site to identify the primary causes of the accident and to find out about the work of transporting the injured, as ambulances transported the injured to Mallawi General Hospital.
The governor of Minya indicated that the preliminary data of the accident indicated that the transport vehicle was parked on the side of the road to change the tire, and the bus coming from Sohag governorate and heading to Cairo collided with it from behind.
Egypt is one of the countries that witness a high rate of traffic accidents, but these accidents have decreased a lot in recent years thanks to the modern infrastructure, including roads, bridges and tunnels, which the Egyptian state is building.
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22 people were killed and 33 injured in a traffic accident in Minya, south of Cairo