

Wed 15 Mar 2023 8:35 pm - Jerusalem Time

Al-Natsheh: Israel violates the Palestinian leadership and people, and the world must act

Al-Quds, Secretary-General of the People's National Congress for Jerusalem, Major General Bilal Natsheh , said that Israel violates the Palestinian leadership and people by attacking President Mahmoud Abbas "Abu Mazen" on the one hand and storming Palestinian cities and towns on the other hand and spreading killing, destruction and destruction in them, as happened at dawn today in all From Ramallah and Nablus, where the young man Wassim Nasser Khalifa was martyred during the Israeli forces storming the tomb of Joseph.

In a statement issued by the General Secretariat of the Conference on Thursday morning, Natsheh denounced the fierce Israeli attack on President "Bo Mazen" following his statements he made in Germany in response to journalists' questions, in which he considered that our people are subjected daily to fifty "Holocausts".

He said that this attack expresses the buried hatred of Israel, a state and parties, towards President Abbas, who recorded historical stances affirming Palestinian rights and constants, and that there is no compromise on them, regardless of the extent of Israeli oppression and violence and the denial of these rights.

Major General Natshe said that this attack is unjustified and that Israel wants to use it as a pretext for its crimes that it commits on a daily basis against our people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, pointing out that the occupation state has killed about 140 Palestinians, most of them children and youth, since the beginning of this year.

On the other hand, the General Secretariat of the Popular National Congress for Jerusalem denounced the Israeli occupation forces storming the city of Ramallah today and closing a number of Palestinian civil society institutions, which Israel has classified as terrorist organizations.

In its statement, the conference said that the real terrorism is what the occupation authorities are doing in terms of attacking Palestinian institutions and property under the pretext that they are practicing counter activities, stressing that the occupation is the basis of all the afflictions that the Palestinian people suffer from, and with its removal, all causes of conflict will disappear.

The General Secretariat considered that the storming of the city of Ramallah, which is fully subject to Palestinian sovereignty, is the summit of terrorism, aggression and a flagrant violation of international laws and agreements signed with the Palestinian side, stressing that the Israeli government is pushing the Palestinian street into a comprehensive confrontation through its non-stop aggression.

The statement of the General Secretariat said that Israel is denouncing all political agreements and floundering in all directions, which indicates that it does not want a political solution to the conflict, which is what the Palestinian leadership calls for and the international community demands and supports, while the occupying state has nothing but blood, with which it draws its road map for the future. Which does not carry within it any good tidings for all.

The General Secretariat of the Conference referred to the campaign of ethnic cleansing practiced by Israel in Jerusalem and to the campaign of forcible transfer in strategic locations of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in an attempt to consolidate its illegal colonial occupation, stressing that our people in Jerusalem are steadfast and cling to their land, real estate, and Palestinian Arab identity and will not give up. Despite all the pressures and arbitrary practices of the occupation authorities against them.


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Al-Natsheh: Israel violates the Palestinian leadership and people, and the world must act