Jenin - "Jerusalem" dot com - Ali Samoudi - Hours and days spent by the sixty-year-old grandmother, Khadija Abu Khamis, clarifying and explaining the issue of the arrest of her captive son Suhaib Ahmed Abu Khamis , seeking to alleviate the sorrows of his son and grandson Golan (6 years), who does not stop asking about him And expressing his great sadness for his continuous absence two weeks ago, after the occupation forces stormed his house in the village of Faqou’a, east of Jenin, and took him from his family, and he is still isolated under interrogation in the occupation cells.
And the grandmother, Umm Omar, says: “My heart is torn apart, and I feel a knife cutting my depths. Whenever I see my grandsons, Golan and Tala, they carry pictures of their father and cry. Like us, they are not used to his absence and being cut off from us. There are no words to describe the extent of my pain and pain, and they repeat questions about their father, who we do not have any. information about him.”
She added, "We did not want to inform my grandson, Golan, about the issue of the occupation's arrest of his mother, but every day he gets up from his bed as every morning, and he asks us when he will return and bring them sweets and what he and his brother love, because of his strong attachment to his father."
And she continues: "I suffered a lot until I understood that the occupation soldiers had arrested his father, and what increased my sadness and heartbreak when he told me: I am afraid for my father a lot, because they will beat him, so how will we protect him and bring him back from prison to our house?"
The sad grandmother stood unable to answer in front of her grandson, as no one can, as she says, know when this disaster that befell our family will end. And my lack of resourcefulness, and my inability to give a real answer to my grandson, whose father considers everything beautiful in life.
She adds: "A few days ago, I cried a lot when I saw my granddaughter Tala carrying a picture of her father and looking for him, then she sat next to her brother Golan, who told her: "The army took a door on the prison." The child felt a lot of fear, and she cried despite their lack of understanding of the truth of what is going on, but Despite her young age, she felt that the word “prison” was difficult and painful, and she stole her father from her, so I rushed to embrace her and try to calm her down, and told her: “Do not be afraid, Baba will come back and bring many toys for you and your brother Golan, and every day I gather them and tell them stories to check on their father.”
The prisoner Suhaib hails from the village of Faqqu’ah, where he was born in 1990, to be the second in his family of 8 members. He was brought up there and educated in its schools until he achieved success in high school. He joined the Arab American University and graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Law, but he headed for the practical life. He worked in the field of trade and marketing, got married and had two children, and filled his family with happiness, until the occupation cut him off by arresting him on 1/2/2023.
His wife says: "At 3:00 in the morning, we woke up after dozens of soldiers stormed our house without warning. They detained us in an isolated room until the inspection process ended. Our greatest shock was the snatching and arrest of my husband after blindfolding and handcuffing him. They also confiscated his private vehicle without knowing the reasons."
She adds: "He is still isolated under torture in the interrogation center in Al-Jalama prison, and he is forbidden to meet and visit lawyers. He was brought before the court once and his detention was extended at the request of the intelligence services to complete the investigation with him."
And she continues: "They claim that his file is confidential, and there is no information about the alleged charges against my husband, about whom we are very concerned, because of the circumstances of his arrest. He suffers from a stab in the heart, and his bouts of pain are repeated continuously until he is injected with a needle and he needs a period to return to his health." .
And she continues: "My husband needs medical care and permanent health monitoring, which is certainly not available in the torture cells, and we appeal to the Red Cross and prisoner institutions to visit him immediately, follow up on his condition and pressure to provide his treatment until his release and the end of this tragedy."
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The family of the prisoner, Suhaib Abu Khamis, between grief over his absence and demands for his treatment