

Wed 15 Mar 2023 8:27 pm - Jerusalem Time

The security services prevent a press conference of the "People's Congress"

Ramallah - "Jerusalem" dot com - Today, Tuesday, the Palestinian security services prevented a press conference for the "Palestinian People's Congress 14 Million", which was being held in Ramallah.

Sources confirmed to Al-Quds.com that the security services stormed the headquarters of the Popular Alliance for Change in the Al-Masyoun neighborhood of Ramallah, prevented the conference from being held, prevented journalists from filming, and confiscated the cards of some journalists.

The sources pointed out that those in charge of the conference organized the conference again in front of the headquarters of the Popular Alliance, amid tension prevailing in the place and the spread of the security services.

According to the sources, the organizers of the conference organized the press conference today, to clarify what happened with them during the last period, by preventing the security services, last Saturday, from holding the preparatory committee for the “14 Million” conference last Saturday, at the headquarters of the Popular Alliance for Change, and arresting two activists, including a member. The Preparatory Committee was Omar Assaf, who was released hours later. Days earlier, the conference was banned from being held in one of the facilities of the Ramallah municipality.

In a press statement, the Palestinian National Council denounced the call of the so-called "Palestinian People's Congress" to hold conferences in the homeland and in the diaspora, and considered it an attempt to circumvent the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and the unifying home for all Palestinians.


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The security services prevent a press conference of the "People's Congress"