Ramallah - exclusive to Al-Quds.com - Environmental expert and Director of the Wildlife Society, Imad Al-Atrash, warned of the danger of the " Indian Weaver ", which is an invasive bird, as it now threatens the "Dead Sea Dormitory".
Al-Atrash told Al-Quds.com: “The Indian weaver came with the Jewish immigration from India in the thirties of the last century, and it is among five invasive birds to Palestine , four of which came from India, and they are songbirds: (Germany, weaver, and Durra). Al-Kabir, Al-Dora Al-Saghir), in addition to the fifth invasive bird, which is the Indian crow, which settles in the Eilat region, as it came with trade caravans and migrations.
The Indian weaver, according to al-Atrash, is a ferocious bird, although it is small in size and weighs between nine and 12 grams. The "weaver" is less common than the "Germany" bird, and its whereabouts have been recorded so far in the Dead Sea, the Jordan Valley and Marj bin Amer, and its presence was recently recorded in Ya`bad area, which raises the alarm about the possibility of its spread and its threat to other types of birds.
Al-Atrash confirms in his interview with Al-Quds.com that despite his small age, the "weaver" is fierce on the "Dead Sea sparrow" (the size and weight of the dead sea sparrow), as it attacks the sparrow weaver, eats its eggs and nests in its place, which warns of the need to develop a plan beforehand. Environmental Quality Authority to confront invasive birds.
The "Dead Sea Dowry" was called by this name, because it lives near the Dead Sea in particular, and it is a bird belonging to the nature of Palestine.
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An environmental expert to "Al-Quds": "Indian weaver" bird threatens "Dead Sea dolphin"