Ramallah - "Al Quds" dot com - The Secretary of the Palestinian National Council, Fahmy Al Zaarir, said that our Palestinian Arab people will continue their struggle and adherence to their inalienable national and political rights under the banner of the Liberation Organization, as the leader of its struggle and its sole and legitimate representative in all its places of existence.
Al-Zaarir added in a press statement, on the anniversary of the first national conference in Jerusalem, which led to the launch of the work of the Palestinian National Council and the establishment of the Liberation Organization, that the organization accomplished through the factions of the Palestinian revolution and its various institutions the consolidation of national identity and entity.
He emphasized that the organization prevented the continuation of the dispersion that colonialism intended through the Zionist gangs through massacres, displacement and the policy of ethnic cleansing practiced against our people, away from cameras, media and documentation.
He continued: The factions of the contemporary Palestinian revolution that set out to liberate Palestine, and reorganized and mobilized the Palestinians, constituted the great historical stage in the history of the organization in 1969, through unity in the heart of the organization and disagreement within it.
Al-Za’arir considered that the Palestinian national action factions are required today to restore their national unity, within the framework of the organization, and to deal with the foundations of political pluralism and democracy under one Palestinian umbrella, which brings everyone together and is committed to the legitimacy and unity of the organization’s representation, and on the basis of political partnership, not just participation, in the battle of liberation and construction.
He pointed out that all attempts to create alternatives and target and end the PLO have failed, and cannot succeed in light of the existing Palestinian and Arab realities.
Al-Zaarir concluded by saying that the Palestinian Arab people, who continue to adhere to their rights, stand firm on their land and make great sacrifices despite all the challenges and crimes, yearn for inclusive unity, adding that the return and devotion of the factions to the national interior, in a comprehensive and inclusive dialogue under the umbrella of the PLO, without conditions on its principles and agreements. Its representation, and the reproduction of the national system based on comprehensive national unity, is the shortest and obligatory path to liberation, self-determination and the establishment of the State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital, calling for national investment by calling the Central Council for a comprehensive national dialogue.
Source: "Wafa"
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Zaarir: Our people will continue their struggle and adhere to their national rights