Translation by "Jerusalem" dot com - The Hebrew newspaper Haaretz said today, Sunday, that the current Israeli government , through its military response to the rocket fire from Gaza, shows that it is not interested in a military confrontation in the Strip.
According to the newspaper - as stated in an analytical report by the Israeli reporter and military analyst, Amos Harel - Prime Minister Yair Lapid follows the same approach as Naftali Bennett and Benjamin Netanyahu in managing the conflict with Hamas , and it is highly doubtful that he wants military friction now with the elections approaching and his need to prove his ability. On the steering wheel control.
Harel said that Gaza remained outside of Biden's visit, but it provided a reminder of the reality in the Middle East and the promises about the existence of a new Middle East, when the Palestinian organizations in the Gaza Strip were interested in reminding the world of the reality of this reality by firing rockets. According to him.
He added, "The Strip, as usual, was keen to protest against Biden's visit in its own way, after excluding him from the plans of the American president... and if Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas succeeded in taking pictures and meeting with Biden without any new agreements, then Hamas and Islamic Jihad made their presence clear in a different way." ".
He pointed out that it is not entirely clear who is behind the rocket fire, and it is likely that the Islamic Jihad is in light of the statements of its Secretary-General Ziyad al-Nakhala, who said that he thinks in a different way than Hamas by rejecting any economic alternatives as a substitute for the rights of the Palestinian people, although Hamas also possesses A different interpretation sometimes by imposing force now and then to send messages to Israel and others that it cannot accept the current situation.
Wed 15 Mar 2023 8:02 pm - Jerusalem Time
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Al-Nakhala thinks differently about Hamas.. "Haaretz": Israel is not interested in a military confrontation in the Strip