Ramallah - "Jerusalem" dot com - Today, Monday, the Council of Ministers instructed the Ministers of Labor, Higher Education and Scientific Research to continue working to resolve the labor dispute between Birzeit University and its employees, and to consult with all parties, in order to ensure the return of the educational process to the university as soon as possible.
The Council of Ministers, in its weekly session held in Ramallah, headed by Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh, discussed ways to find a solution to the ongoing crisis in the university, due to the conflict between the workers union and the university administration. the crisis.
The Council of Ministers also decided in its session:
Implementing the issues mentioned in the President's speech related to the government.
- Approval of financing in the amount of (4 million dollars) to purchase vaccinations for children.
- Recommending to the President of the State of Palestine to ratify a decree by law for investment in Jabal Qurantal / Jericho.
- Assigning the Central Elections Committee to supervise the elections of chambers of commerce in all governorates of the country.
- Adopting recommendations for solving the traffic problem in the town of Al-Eizariya.
- Approval of the recommendations of the Technical Committee for Early Retirement to refer a number of employees to retirement at their request.
- Approval of granting a license (rebroadcasting) to "Monte Carlo International" Radio in Palestine.
The Council of Ministers approved the recommendation of the Minister of Health to raise the annual vacation days for radiology technicians in the Ministry of Health hospitals from 30 days to 45 days.
He approved the recommendation submitted by the Minister of National Economy to hold elections for chambers of commerce in the State of Palestine, where it was decided to assign the Central Elections Committee to prepare and supervise the conduct of those elections. He also discussed the traffic crisis in the town of Al-Eizariya and decided to adopt recommendations for solving the traffic problem in the town.
The Council listened to a report from the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates on the diplomatic efforts that took place on the sidelines of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly, where work was done to motivate European countries to recognize the State of Palestine collectively, in order to save the two-state solution that the occupying state is working to undermine with unilateral policies and practices.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs indicated that the Palestinian delegation held several meetings with the foreign ministers of several countries participating in the session, as well as with the Secretary-General of the United Nations to discuss the importance of implementing UN Resolution No. 181. He also held consultative meetings with the foreign ministers of Arab countries to coordinate efforts at the level of foreign ministers. Where it was emphasized that the Palestinian issue was and will remain the central issue of the Arab group.
Also, meetings were held with the Palestine Liaison Committee in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and it was agreed on the importance of activating the Jerusalem Committee and providing financial support to Palestine in the face of the continuous Israeli aggressions. 29 countries, including: Russia, China, Algeria, Iran and Venezuela, in addition to participating in a meeting that included the Arab League, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the European Commissioner on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the presentation of the Arab Peace Initiative.
At the outset of the session, the cabinet expressed its pride in President Mahmoud Abbas's speech before the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly, and its standing behind his sovereignty in implementing the directions and steps contained therein.
Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh said, in his speech, that the president's speech represented the Palestinian conscience, summarized the historical grievance of the Palestinian people, re-evaluated the Palestinian narrative in all its human, historical, political and legal dimensions, and presented his sovereignty to the world with a speech of initiative, audacity, disclosure, and trust, which preserves the dignity and rights of our people. And his ambitions.
He added, "Once again, the president puts the ball in the court of the international community, which is steeped in double standards and silent about the Palestinian right, to carry out its responsibilities towards an occupied people."
He continued: The time has come for us to see an international movement towards protecting the Palestinian people, and holding the occupying state accountable for its crimes.
The Prime Minister confirmed following up on what was stated in the President's speech, and putting it into practice in everything related to the government.
Regarding the donors' meeting in New York, Shtayyeh indicated that he reviewed during the meeting, in which 30 countries and international institutions participated, the violations and measures taken by the occupying state against the Palestinian people, their land, economy and capabilities, as well as the administrative, financial and institutional reform undertaken by the State of Palestine and the government. He also assured the donors that "whatever reforms we do, this will not put an end to the crisis because the occupation is the root of the crisis, and it is the main problem, and without ending the occupation, some steps will be difficult to implement, and the economic situation will remain complex," and pointed out that the reform plan that I presented The government was welcomed by all speakers at the meeting.
Shtayyeh drew attention to the reports submitted to the meeting of donor countries, which showed that the unemployment rate decreased from 26% to 24%, as it became 44% in the Gaza Strip, while it decreased in the West Bank to 13.8%. 3.5% by the end of this year, and spending this year remained at the level of spending in the past year, while the monetary and banking system continues to recover from the "Corona" pandemic, and this indicates the strength of the Palestinian banking system.
He pointed out that the donors stressed that Israel should stop piracy of funds and deductions from the clearance, and they also demanded that it grant freedom of work to Palestinians in areas called "C" because this enhances the Palestinian economy by a third, and increases government revenues by 6% of the gross domestic product.
The Prime Minister stressed that all the efforts undertaken by the Palestinian government in the economic field will not be sufficient without getting rid of the occupation and its measures on the ground, including lifting the blockade on Gaza and Jerusalem, and stopping Israel's piracy of our money.
He added, despite the Israeli cuts and the decline in donor funds from 30% of the GDP in 2008 to 1% in 2021, the Palestinian economy remained resistant, active and resilient.
Shtayyeh said, We called on those present to put pressure on the occupation government to respect the signed agreements, to stop its violations and destruction of the two-state solution, to continue financial and political support, to preserve the two-state solution through serious and real measures, and to compel Israel to do so.
He added, whoever claims to believe in the two-state solution must stop the settlements, lift the siege on Gaza, open Jerusalem to its people, end its siege, and stop the repeated incursions of settlers, which reached their climax this morning.
Quoted from the official news agency "Wafa".
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The Cabinet assigned the Ministers of Labor and Education to find a solution to the crisis at Birzeit University