

Wed 15 Mar 2023 7:54 pm - Jerusalem Time

Teachers' Movement: The strike continues and the crisis has become more complicated

The "Unified Teachers' Movement " confirmed this evening, Saturday, the continuation of the strike and protest activities, stressing that the crisis related to teachers has not ended, but rather has become more complicated, and that matters are heading towards an escalation.

Al-Hirak said in a press statement, "The crisis never ended. Rather, it became more complicated, resulting in an escalation that we do not know the end of until now, as the crisis will not end unless our just demands are met immediately, which we raised through school principals in the administrative hierarchy, all the way to the Minister of Education."

And the movement continued, "We must call upon parents not to send their children to schools, and students not to go to schools, and principals not to announce this until the movement announces what indicates a satisfactory solution and agreement for all parties."

The Unified Teachers Movement confirmed that the day after tomorrow, Monday, there will be a central sit-in in front of the Council of Ministers in Ramallah. To emphasize the rejection of penalties in all its forms, especially the method of deduction from their salaries, while the “movement” stressed the continuation of the open strike (with going to schools) and leaving after proof of attendance, and the “teachers’ movement” refused to monitor the recruitment exam in all governorates, and to boycott the high school exam and all its procedures.

Al-Hirak affirmed that re-discounting or canceling penalties is not considered a demand, and that it is an axiom presented by the government before the demands are implemented.

For his part, teacher Faisal Jadallah from the Nablus Education Directorate, and one of the observers of the agreement concluded with teachers last year, said in an interview with "Al-Quds" .com, "The one who brought us into the current crisis is the government and the General Union of Teachers, by not implementing the provisions of last year's agreement, About 9 months after the conclusion of the agreement, which took place with the guarantees of institutions and general secretaries of the factions.

Jadallah continued, "The current crisis was expected, in light of the non-implementation of the agreement, which deepened the crisis of confidence, especially since teachers suffered from long promises that reached about twenty years, before the current crises, in conjunction with the increase in the teacher's suffering."

Regarding the Prime Minister Dr. Muhammad Shtayyeh's conference, last Thursday, in which he affirmed the government's commitment to the agreements signed with unions, including the Teachers' Union, Jadallah said: "The Prime Minister's speech is positive, but it comes in the context of previous promises, and he needs clarifications and implementation."

Jadallah stressed that what some fear about the student's right to education is guaranteed and guaranteed, and teachers are ready to compensate when the crisis ends, while Jadallah stressed that returning discounts to teachers is an important matter in order to enhance confidence between teachers and the government.

Jadallah said: "The deductions that were implemented on last month's salary, and after its disbursement last Thursday, it became clear that there were deductions that amounted to more than a thousand shekels for some teachers, came in the context of the aggravation of the crisis."

Jadallah added, "Teachers want to implement the agreement, which was concluded last year, and it is the minimum of teachers' demands and aspirations, and the government is supposed to abide by it, since everyone signed it." .

For about a month, teachers carried out sit-ins in front of the headquarters of the education directorates in the West Bank in response to the "teachers' movement", amid the teachers' insistence on demanding their rights until the implementation of an agreement concluded, in May 2022, between the Palestinian government, the General Union of Palestinian Teachers and the "mobility". Teachers”, sponsored by many institutions and personalities, and the strike stopped after that.

The agreement included 5 items, namely: returning discounts to teachers, professionalizing education, issuing a teacher protection law, working to “democratize the union”, and depositing a 15% bonus for the nature of work on the salary slip, starting from the first month of the new year 2023.


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Teachers' Movement: The strike continues and the crisis has become more complicated