Firas al-Jabrini, a lawyer for the Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Jerusalem, said that amoebic dysentery is spreading in Megiddo Prison.
Lawyer Al-Jabrini revealed, through the testimony of a young prisoner from Megiddo Prison, whom he "was able to visit," that Walid Khaled Ahmed, whose death was announced late Sunday evening, had been suffering from amoeba disease prior to his death. He was being held in Section 4 of Megiddo Prison.
The victim, Walid, 17 years old, was suffering from severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, and dizziness.
Amoebiasis is an intestinal infection caused by amoeba parasites. It is usually transmitted through the consumption of contaminated food or water. It affects the intestines and leads to a range of symptoms such as severe diarrhea, stomach and abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.
Poor hygiene and unsanitary environments are major factors contributing to the spread of disease, along with harsh living conditions inside prisons, such as a lack of medical care and clean drinking water.
Prisoners in Megiddo prison suffer from symptoms similar to those suffered by Walid Ahmed due to their infection with amoeba. Many of them also suffer from fecal incontinence, without any treatment or follow-up of their health. Skin diseases such as scabies are widespread among prisoners, and they suffer from boils in various parts of their bodies. Some of them also suffer from eczema, especially on the face, as Ashbal prisoners explained to lawyer Firas Al-Jabrini.
Lawyer Al-Jabrini added, according to the testimony of one of the young prisoners, that the food provided to prisoners during the month of Ramadan consists of "labneh and cheese" in the early morning hours, and the prisoners keep it in their rooms until iftar in the evening, without a refrigerator or a suitable place to preserve it from spoilage, which forces them to eat it out of hunger and lack of an alternative.
In addition to the spread of amoeba disease in Megiddo Prison, the young prisoners suffer from repeated raids of their section by dogs and constant pepper spraying.
Since October 2023, Palestinian prisoners have been suffering from harsh detention conditions and harsh living conditions, as the occupation authorities have exploited "emergency laws and regulations" to escalate the attacks and abuse of Palestinian prisoners. The occupation authorities have implemented numerous repressive and abusive measures, including repeated raids, constant transfers, beatings, pepper spray, attacks by dogs, deprivation of food and drink, denial of bathing and personal hygiene items, prohibition of going out to the prison yard ("recreation"), prohibition of group prayers, confiscation of Qurans, and failure to provide cleaning materials for rooms and internal bathrooms.
In addition to the spread of amoebiasis, a skin disease known as scabies has also spread among prisoners in all prisons, leading to the deaths of several. Scabies is a skin disease caused by parasites, causing severe itching and a painful rash. The spread of these diseases is exacerbated by unsanitary prison environments and the lack of adequate medical care.
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Revealing the cause of the death of prisoner Walid Ahmed inside Megiddo Prison