People search among piles of rubble, under mounds of dirt and sand dunes, for their sons who perished in the massacre, and they do not yet know where they are buried, in order to extinguish the fire that still burns in their hearts, and makes sleep elude their eyes.
Every day, with the availability of some bulldozers, it is announced that new numbers of martyrs have been recovered, and they are reburied in a manner befitting them, while their families suffer the pain of their loss and taste the bitterness of their absence from the Iftar tables during Ramadan.
On her shoulder is her son's coffin, and she is quickening her steps to bury him. Her feelings are mixed between happiness at finding her beloved son three months after his martyrdom, and regret at not fulfilling her wish to bury him next to his brother, who preceded him to the ground a few days ago.
Burying siblings next to each other has become the ultimate wish of mothers grieving the loss of their beloved husbands, sons and daughters.
Just.. this is happening in Gaza!
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Only happens in Gaza!