The month of February, which has no connection, is crowded with appointments, urgent and deferred, to mend the widening rupture in the Arab garment, which is being devoured by wolves and chased by hyenas, in one of the darkest, narrowest and most dangerous passages that the nation passes through, threatening it in the present and future, in which its enemies lick their lips to cut off parts of its body with axes and knives, while it is in a moment of confusion, lying on the “bed of misery”, which has afflicted it from its poor performance, the dispersion of its word, the multiplicity of its agendas, its lack of resourcefulness, and its insignificance among the people, more than what has afflicted it from the brutality of its enemies.
Between the five-party summit that the Saudi capital will host on the twentieth of this month, and the Arab summit that may be postponed to a later date for logistical reasons, as stated by the Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League, Hossam Zaki, the fireball is rolling down a mountain, threatening hell at times, and displacement at other times, in a way that narrows options, narrows distances, and reduces the level of horizontal vision, amidst columns of smoke that block the horizons.
Between the two summits, the nation has no choice but to reach an agreement, turn the page on differences, bridge the gaps, and close ranks in the face of an enemy that has reached the peak of madness, and has stripped itself of all systems and laws, adopting the shock, terror, and targeting approach, to test the walls of defense and the extent of readiness to respond, and the ability to scatter balls from the violated Arab goal by scoring own goals more than those scored by opponents and enemies, which has awakened in the nation the sources of existential fear, in light of what is happening in terms of the liquefaction of maps and the expansion of borders, in a world led by foolishness and improvisation, and the desires for revenge stamped with executive orders.
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The fireball is caught by the Arabs!