Dr. Hussein Al-Deek: Trump’s statements about displacement and occupation of Gaza are not individual efforts, but rather part of deep secret understandings between the American and Israeli right
Dr. Dalal Erekat: Trump’s statements reflect an ideological vision that adopts the colonialist ideology in its modern, pragmatic guise to end the Palestinian cause
Nour Odeh: The real danger lies in the mentality that Trump uses in dealing with the Palestinian issue, as if the Palestinian people were a transient group of the population.
Dr. Abdul Majeed Suwailem: Conclusive evidence of the existence of an old plan to liquidate the Palestinian cause that did not begin after October 7, 2023, as some believe
Hani Abu Al-Sabaa: American efforts to play a pivotal role in the so-called “building of the new Gaza” take on a colonial and economic character at the same time
In light of the recent statements made by US President Donald Trump regarding the displacement and occupation of the Gaza Strip, questions arise about the seriousness of these statements and the possibility of implementing them, especially since they came before the start of the second phase of the prisoner exchange deal and ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
In separate interviews with “I,” writers, political analysts, specialists, and university professors confirm that these statements, which contradict international laws, reflect deep coordination between the American right and the Israeli right, and reveal strategic plans aimed at reshaping the political geography of the Middle East in favor of the Zionist project.
They point out that these statements are in the context of Trump's support for the Zionist lobbies that helped him come to power, which raises fears that they will turn into actual policies on the ground.
They point out that these statements are not just individual opinions, but rather express a colonial ideological vision that aims to liquidate the Palestinian cause once and for all, by talking about displacing Palestinians and turning Gaza into an investment zone. This vision seeks to abolish the Palestinian national identity and impose coercive solutions that do not take into account the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination. These statements represent a flagrant violation of international law, especially the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits forced displacement.
They stress that the Palestinian people, who have a long history of resisting occupation, will not accept the imposition of a new reality that threatens their existence and rights, and that diplomatic and legal moves can constitute effective tools to expose these policies and pressure the US administration to stop them.
Trump's statements are consistent with his promises to the Zionist lobbies
The writer and political analyst specializing in American affairs, Dr. Hussein Al-Deek, confirms that the statements of US President Donald Trump regarding the displacement of the people of the Gaza Strip and its occupation did not come as a big surprise, as they are consistent with his previous promises to the Zionist lobbies in the United States during his election campaign.
Al-Deek explains that Trump had previously made several pledges to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but those pledges did not receive wide international media coverage despite their seriousness.
Al-Deek points out that talk about American security companies and mercenaries that he plans to manage in the Gaza Strip is not new, as it was discussed in the American media several months ago. However, what is new in Trump’s statements is his public coming out with these ideas, which clearly reveal his future aspirations, which are represented in the control of American security companies or even the Marines or any other American forces over the Gaza Strip.
What is more dangerous, as Al-Deek explains, is that these statements include clear incitement to the forced displacement of two million Palestinians from Gaza, by settling them in countries such as Egypt, Jordan, and perhaps other countries.
Al-Deek believes that this proposal reflects a renewed colonial vision that completely contradicts international laws and UN agreements that prohibit such practices.
According to Hussein Al-Deek, Trump’s statements cannot be considered mere personal opinions or political proposals, but rather amount to public incitement to commit war crimes, according to international law, as they represent an explicit call to violate Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, which prohibits the individual or mass forced displacement of populations, and prohibits the transfer of citizens of the occupying state to the occupied territories.
Al-Deek believes that such statements, issued by the president of the most powerful country in the world, reveal an unprecedented level of “political foolishness and impudence,” noting that the matter requires broad Arab and international action to respond to them, as these statements are not limited to the political aspect only, but carry legal and criminal dimensions that can be relied upon to file complaints against Trump before the International Criminal Court on charges of incitement to commit war crimes.
Palestinian and Arab movement at the official and popular levels
Al-Deek calls on the Arab countries, the Arab League and the PLO to take firm political and diplomatic positions to confront these dangerous statements, but he believes that the movement should not be limited to the official level only, but should include popular and mass movements in the capitals of the world, especially in front of American embassies and consulates.
He points out that the aim of this is to send a strong and clear message to the US administration that the Palestinian people are not an easy target whose fate can be manipulated, and that they have the right to self-determination and to establish their independent state on their historical land.
Al-Deek stresses that any attempt to impose American or foreign control over the Gaza Strip, whether through military forces or private security companies, will be met with widespread Palestinian popular rejection, and will be considered an illegitimate occupying force. The Palestinians have long experience in resisting occupation and will not hesitate to confront any foreign forces seeking to dominate their lands.
Despite the seriousness of Trump's statements, Al-Deek believes that the United States is not about to occupy the Gaza Strip officially and directly, as Washington is well aware of the consequences of such a step, especially after its harsh experience in Iraq and Afghanistan, where it suffered enormous human and material losses.
The real goal, according to Al-Deek, is to serve the agenda of the extreme Israeli right led by Netanyahu, and to enhance Israel's security by implementing strategic plans that serve the interests of the Zionist project in the region.
Al-Deek believes that Trump’s statements, which came after his meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu, are not merely individual efforts, but rather part of deep secret understandings between the American right and the Israeli right. These understandings clearly appeared during the meetings between Trump and Netanyahu, and Netanyahu had previously spoken about them publicly from the United Nations platform, where he declared that he seeks to change the face of the Middle East.
Al-Deek points out that these statements reflect political and strategic coordination between the two parties, aiming to reshape the political geography of the region in a way that serves Israeli interests.
However, Al-Deek believes that these plans will remain mere wishes and will not become a reality on the ground due to the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their adherence to their right to their land.
Al-Deek stresses that the Palestinian people will continue to resist any attempt to impose a new reality at the expense of their national rights, whether this threat comes from the United States or any other power.
Crowning of genocide crimes against the Palestinian people
Dr. Dalal Erekat, Professor of Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution at the Arab American University, believes that Trump’s statements regarding controlling Gaza and displacing its residents do not reflect a mere passing political position, but rather express a dangerous ideological vision that adopts the colonialist ideology of replacement in its modern, pragmatic guise to end the Palestinian cause.
Erekat explains that these statements are not isolated from the context of previous US policy in Trump's first term, as they reflect the same approach that Trump followed on issues such as Jerusalem and settlements, by imposing facts on the ground by force, in flagrant violation of international law and the United Nations Charter.
Erekat points out that Trump's vision, according to international law, represents the crime of forced displacement of the Palestinian people, the crime of forcible seizure of land, and the promotion of the crime of collective punishment, all of which are classified as war crimes.
Erekat believes that what is happening today in Gaza, from a stifling siege, widespread destruction and systematic killing, is completely consistent with this policy that aims to destroy the foundations of Palestinian life and force the Palestinians to accept coercive solutions that do not meet their national aspirations, stressing that Trump’s statements are nothing but the culmination of the crimes of genocide that have been committed against the Palestinian people for decades.
Erekat stresses that confronting this danger requires urgent action at all levels: political, legal and media, calling for exposing these aggressive policies to the international community and exposing their plans that aim to liquidate the Palestinian cause, noting that international silence towards these statements and policies may be interpreted as indirect complicity in the crimes committed.
A deep-rooted movement seeking to re-impose colonial hegemony
Erekat points out that although Trump's statements do not necessarily reflect the position of the current US administration, they reveal the existence of a deep-rooted political current within the United States that seeks to reimpose colonial hegemony over Palestine and the world.
She believes that this trend poses a threat not only to the Palestinians, but to the entire international system, because it promotes policies that contradict the principles of international law and human rights.
Erekat stresses that international law is clear in rejecting any claim to ownership of occupied lands or imposing illegal guardianship over them, and any attempt of this kind constitutes a flagrant violation of the Geneva Conventions and the United Nations Charter.
Erekat considers that what is happening in Gaza today in terms of siege, starvation and destruction of infrastructure is a blatant form of collective punishment that is internationally prohibited, as these methods are used as political tools to force surrender or push Palestinians towards forced displacement.
Erekat points out that these practices put the United States in a position hostile to international law, which gradually isolates it from the international system based on legitimacy and law.
Erekat links Trump's statements to his recent meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stressing that this meeting reveals a deep agreement between the American and Israeli far right on the agenda of liquidating the Palestinian cause.
Erekat explains that Trump's vision not only ignores Palestinian rights, but also deliberately ignores the fact that Palestinians are not just "residents" who can be displaced or replaced, but rather an indigenous people seeking to build their independent state and develop Gaza as a thriving economic center, not a permanent battlefield.
Erekat stresses that Trump's statements represent an existential threat to the Palestinian cause, as they aim to liquidate it and eliminate the political rights of the Palestinian people, most notably their right to self-determination.
Erekat believes that these statements are not just election rhetoric, but rather public encouragement to commit war crimes against the Palestinians, which requires a unified Palestinian response and broad international support, especially from influential countries such as Saudi Arabia and France, to lead an international coalition that exposes the danger of these policies and works to thwart them through available legal and political tools.
Statements whose risks go beyond displacement or the possibility of annexation
Writer, political analyst, and specialist in diplomatic affairs and international relations, Nour Odeh, warns of the danger of Trump's recent statements, which go beyond the idea of displacing Palestinians from the Gaza Strip or even the possibility of annexing the West Bank.
Awda believes that the real danger lies in the mentality with which Trump is dealing with the Palestinian issue, which reflects a dangerous colonial vision that treats the Palestinian people as if they were merely a transient group of people who can be transferred and resettled elsewhere without regard to their history, national identity, or political rights.
Awda asserts that the way Trump spoke about the Palestinians expresses a mentality outside the context of international law and human history, as he treats the Palestinians as if they were a people without roots, who have no affiliation or historical right to their land. This approach represents an existential threat to the Palestinian people because it denies their existence as a national entity with internationally recognized rights, and attempts to reduce their cause to a mere “population problem” that can be solved by paying money and providing job opportunities elsewhere, without recognizing their right to self-determination or to return to their land.
Awda points out that this mentality applies to the West Bank, and the possibility of dealing with the Palestinian presence there as a “population problem,” especially in light of the systematic destruction of Jenin, Tulkarm, and others.
Awda says: “We are facing a discourse that does not recognize the political rights of the Palestinians, but rather reduces their existence to economic considerations, and this is the real danger, because dealing with the Palestinians in this way means canceling their identity, history, and legitimate struggle for freedom and independence.”
Awda links Trump’s statements to a broader vision that goes beyond mere military occupation or direct displacement, as she sees the current American-Israeli project as seeking to achieve its goals through economic and investment strategies.
Awda explains that Trump does not view Gaza as a humanitarian or political issue, but rather as an economic site that can be invested in to serve the interests of those close to him, including Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and former advisor, who stated at the beginning of the aggression on Gaza that “the only solution for Gaza is to displace its residents and turn it into an investment area full of resorts and villas on the beach.”
Awda believes that this concept is not just a passing idea, but rather part of a comprehensive plan that seeks to empty Gaza of its original inhabitants and reshape it to serve the interests of investors linked to the Trump administration.
“We should not underestimate these statements because they reflect a real vision that has a direct impact on American decision-making, especially in light of the complex network of political, ideological, economic and family interests that link Trump to Israeli circles of influence,” Awda said.
Awda asserts that occupation or modern colonialism is not necessarily implemented by sending soldiers only, but can be achieved through economic acquisition, control of resources, and preventing any economic recovery process in Gaza.
She points out that talk of sending US Marines to Gaza may be unlikely for reasons related to US domestic politics, but that does not negate the danger of the project based on subjugating the Gaza Strip through an economic blockade and restricting the reconstruction process in favor of American and Israeli investors.
Awda believes that Trump is not just an ordinary American president, but rather the leader of a heterogeneous coalition that includes different parties united by one goal: achieving political and economic gains at the expense of the Palestinian cause.
Awda explains that this alliance includes a group of right-wing extremists and major funders such as Miriam Adelson, who gave more than $250 million to Trump’s election campaign in exchange for his commitment to support extremist Israeli policies, including recognizing the annexation of the West Bank.
Awda points out that Netanyahu is well aware of how to exploit this situation. He is adept at reading the American political arena and knows how to play on the strings of economic interests and ideological extremism within the Republican Party. Awda says: “Netanyahu sees the Trump era as a golden opportunity to achieve the goals of the Israeli extreme right, and he does not hesitate to exploit this opportunity to the maximum extent possible.”
Palestinians face historic challenge
Awda asserts that the Palestinians are facing a historic challenge that requires them to go beyond traditional discourse and respond immediately with practical plans on the ground.
Awda believes that political statements and diplomatic objections are no longer sufficient to confront this existential threat, calling for a re-evaluation of Palestinian strategies to confront the project of liquidating the national identity.
"We need real practical action that goes beyond mere statements," Awda says. "The issue is no longer just a defense of the Gaza Strip or the West Bank, but rather an existential battle that threatens the entire Palestinian national identity."
Awda asserts that “not dealing with these threats seriously will make the Palestinian cause a mere historical memory in nostalgia books,” calling for deep and serious thinking about how to protect the Palestinian presence politically and geographically in the face of a new colonial project that uses the economy as a cover to achieve its goals of controlling the land and reshaping it to serve specific economic and strategic interests.
An excuse for the Israeli right to move from Gaza to the West Bank
Writer and political analyst Dr. Abdul Majeed Sweilem believes that US President Donald Trump’s statements regarding controlling Gaza and displacing Palestinians from it express a dangerous essence related to the American position on the Palestinian issue, and may be the most dangerous in the history of American policy towards Palestine, pointing out that they reveal a clear agreement between the American and Israeli right to liquidate the Palestinian issue decisively and finally, regardless of the means and methods used.
Suwailem explains that what Trump said is considered conclusive evidence of the existence of an old plan to liquidate the Palestinian cause, which did not begin after October 7, 2023, as some believe.
Suwailem asserts that this plan targets the entire Palestinian cause, not just Gaza or Hamas, warning that Trump’s statements give the Israeli right a pretext to move from Gaza to the West Bank, which means a threat of mass displacement and new ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.
Suwailem explains that the plan to liquidate the Palestinian cause is a well-thought-out American-Israeli plan whose features began to appear clearly years ago, pointing out that October 7, 2023, was only a station in the context of this plan, and not its starting point, noting that the Palestinians must sense the danger of these developments to the future of their national cause.
Suwailem points out that this plan is not directed against the Palestinians only, but rather poses a direct threat to Jordan, Egypt, and perhaps Saudi Arabia as well, which explains the decisive positions recently taken by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Suwailem believes that the Saudi reaction reflects a deep understanding of the extent of the real danger threatening the entire region, not just Palestine.
Suwailem believes that Trump's statements are an expression of political ignorance and strategic stupidity, noting that they reveal a lack of understanding of the nature of the conflict in the region and the Palestinian people's adherence to their national rights.
Suwailem believes that these statements will quickly fall, not only because they threaten the Palestinians, but because they represent a threat to the interests of major Arab countries.
Clear confusion in American policy
Suwailem expects Trump to retract his statements, noting that such confused positions will make him the subject of international ridicule, just as happened with his previous positions regarding Mexico and Canada.
Suwailem asserts that American policy, as reflected by Trump, is clearly in turmoil, noting that the United States may pay a heavy price for this reckless political approach.
Suwailem believes that what Trump said reflects a deeper crisis in the structure of the American system itself, likening this stage to the rise of fascism in Europe in the 1930s.
Suwailem points out that "Trumpism" is not just a passing political phenomenon, but rather expresses a phase of deterioration in the American capitalist system, noting that this deterioration may lead to major transformations on the international scene.
He points out that the current American crisis is not merely the result of political mistakes, but rather reflects a stage of decay in the entire Western capitalist system.
Suwailem asserts that Trump's statements redefine global alignments, as it has become clear that the world has two choices: either stand with Israel, which practices murderous and brutal policies, or with Palestine, which is struggling for its just rights.
Suwailem believes that these statements may serve the Palestinian cause indirectly, because they clearly reveal the true face of American-Israeli policies towards the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights.
Colonial and economic character
Writer, political analyst and specialist in Israeli affairs, Hani Abu Al-Sabaa, confirms that Trump’s statements about the displacement and occupation of Gaza are not merely passing political positions, but rather reflect dangerous trends that are in line with the vision of the extreme Israeli right and seek to impose a new reality in the Middle East, by pressuring the Palestinians to accept forced or voluntary displacement.
Abu Al-Sabaa points out that the United States, through these trends, does not only aim to pressure the people of Gaza, but also seeks to play a pivotal role in what is called “building the new Gaza,” which reveals American intentions that go beyond the humanitarian dimension to take on a colonial and economic character at the same time.
According to Abu Al-Sabaa, the Palestinian response to these threats is clear and evident, as the Palestinian people have expressed their adherence to their land, despite all the pressures and occupation practices.
Abu Al-Sabaa points out that the return of Palestinians from southern Gaza to its north after the recent truce is a strong message to the world confirming that this people will not abandon its land, no matter the challenges.
Abu Al-Sabaa stresses the necessity of uniting the Palestinian ranks in confronting these plans, calling on the Palestinian Authority to assume its responsibilities in exposing American crimes and tendencies on the international scene.
He praised the Arab positions rejecting these policies, referring to the statements of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who clearly confirmed his rejection of the idea of displacement, in addition to the position of Jordanian King Abdullah II, who stressed that "Jordan is for Jordanians and Palestine is for Palestinians."
Features of a new American project
Abu Al-Sabaa believes that Trump's statements reflect the features of a new American project that aims to reshape the region. This project is not limited to the Gaza Strip only, but extends to include the West Bank and perhaps parts of neighboring Arab countries.
Abu Al-Sabaa asserts that the pressures exerted by the United States today are not new, but they have begun to take on a more obvious character in line with Israel’s ambitions, pointing out that Palestinian wounded and their companions leaving for treatment abroad are being asked to sign pledges not to return to the Gaza Strip, which is a dangerous indication of a real intention to impose a new demographic reality in the Strip.
However, Abu Al-Sabaa believes that these plans will ultimately fail in the face of the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their adherence to their land and rights.
Abu Al-Sabaa asserts that the Palestinian people have enough will and patience to confront such plans, citing the popular saying among Gazans: “Whoever came to this land last, should leave first,” referring to the Israeli settlers who settled in Palestine at the expense of the indigenous population.
He points out that what Trump wants clearly intersects with the vision of the leaders of the extreme Israeli right, such as Bezalel Smotrich, who spoke openly about a new map for Israel that extends even into Jordanian territory.
Abu Al-Sabaa points out that Israel tried during the last war on Gaza to expand the scope of its settlement control, but failed to achieve this due to the fierce Palestinian resistance.
Abu Al-Sabaa believes that during the war on Gaza, the United States used covert means to impose its influence, such as the “floating port” that was announced as a means of transporting humanitarian aid, but was in fact intended to bring in special forces to liberate Israeli prisoners. However, this attempt failed, and the bridge was dismantled after the Palestinians realized its true nature.
According to Abu Al-Sabaa, Trump is not a politician as much as he is an economist who seeks to exploit political issues to achieve economic gains.
Abu Al-Sabaa believes that Trump's statements about the Gaza Strip stem from his desire to ensure a major American role in the reconstruction of the Strip, as he realizes that reconstruction projects will be very profitable, especially in light of the willingness of some Arab countries to contribute to these efforts.
Abu Al-Sabaa points out that Trump is trying, through these statements, to pressure Arab countries to accept his plans, exploiting the weakness of official positions that are still “timid” and do not rise to the level of the challenges facing the Palestinian cause.
Abu Al-Sabaa points out that Trump’s statements about the displacement of Palestinians are completely consistent with the policies he followed during his first term in office, when he took unprecedented steps to support Israel, such as moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights. Today, Trump is strengthening his support for Israel by lifting sanctions on settlers and opening weapons depots to support the Israeli army, support that was not available with the same strength during the Biden administration.
Abu Al-Sabaa believes that the next stage will be a stage of trying to impose the American-Israeli vision on the region, by pressuring the Palestinians and Arab countries to accept displacement plans and liquidate the Palestinian cause.
Abu Al-Sabaa stresses that the ultimate goal of these policies is to eliminate the dream of establishing an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, calling for unifying Palestinian and Arab positions to confront these challenges.
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Trump threatens to occupy Gaza...colonialism emerges again