

Wed 08 Jan 2025 9:12 am - Jerusalem Time

Like those who read Surah Yusuf to Jacob!

When observing the discussions and debates that flare up between those who disagree and those who agree, in political salons, on social media networks, or in the “WhatsApp and Telegram caves,” and other spaces open to mutual accusations, you become saddened by the extent of the mobilization, superficiality, and narrow-mindedness in accepting different opinions, and the ease and fluidity of fingers slipping on the keyboard, without the slightest attention to the insults that those slips cause.

Many analyses seem like wishes or compliments, rather than accurate readings of the confusing moment in which the wise man became perplexed. Some of the readings of the reciters and the analyses of the analysts appear like someone reading Surat Yusuf to Jacob.

In the seventies, the phrase “Shut up, pen, and slap, weapon” prevailed, and that phrase remained present in the literature and behavior of the inheritors, without awareness of the global changes and transformations, so it detracted from the revolutionaries’ credit more than it affected their goals and the narrative of their enemies.

Few are those who offer ideas and visions that shorten distances, compensate for shortcomings, and make up for lost time. Even fewer are those who shock you with their ideas, insights, and depth of reading of events and developments, and push you to abandon your opinions, assumptions, and approaches that have been stubbornly defying the time difference in events, variables, and universal transformations.

Professor of Political Science at Birzeit University, Dr. Ali Al-Jarbawi, is one of the few who present visions and ideas that are worth considering and benefiting from in filling cracks in the surfaces, stopping the leakage, and preventing any future collapses in a region where maps are flowing and outcomes and fates are determined.

"I" will start publishing, starting tomorrow, a realistic reading by Dr. Al-Jarbawi in episodes, in which he presents a layered picture of the current Palestinian situation, and another prospective picture of what the situation will be like in the future.

Stop the genocide now...!


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Like those who read Surah Yusuf to Jacob!