The Commission of Prisoners' Affairs and Liberated Prisoners reported this morning, Sunday, that the young prisoners in Megiddo Prison are prey to the hatred, racism and criminality of the Israeli prison guards, who treat these children in a brutal manner.
The Commission stated that the Megiddo Prison administration exploits the young age of these minors (children) and their weak physical build, and deliberately frightens and terrorizes them by storming their rooms, beating them and cursing them, as the ill-treatment is politicized and is intended to affect their psychological conditions and internal content.
The Authority’s lawyer quoted a minor prisoner who was recently transferred from Megiddo Prison to Damon Prison as saying that the living, health and sanitation conditions of child prisoners in Megiddo Prison are catastrophic, and that there are special repression units permanently present in front of the section where minors are detained, where they practice crimes and are skilled at torturing these children, noting that the total number of minor prisoners in Israeli prisons and detention centers is approximately 280 minors.
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Prisoners Authority: Minor prisoners in Megiddo are prey to the hatred of the jailers