Sun 20 Oct 2024 9:09 pm - Jerusalem Time

OCHA: More than 40,000 affected by Israeli demolitions in occupied Jerusalem

More than 40,000 Jerusalemites have been affected by the demolitions carried out by the Israeli occupation authorities in the Holy City since the start of the comprehensive aggression against our people on October 7, 2023.

According to data issued by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territory (OCHA), the occupation authorities demolished 226 homes and facilities in Jerusalem, which led to the displacement of 621 Palestinians and affected 40,767 others.

OCHA explains that among the demolished facilities were 125 inhabited homes, 28 uninhabited housing units, 39 facilities that help their owners provide a livelihood, and 34 agricultural facilities. As for the reason, most of the facilities were demolished under the pretext of building without obtaining a permit from the occupation authorities, amounting to 218 facilities.

According to OCHA, the demolitions were carried out in 24 towns and neighborhoods in Jerusalem, but were more concentrated in the town of Jabal al-Mukaber, targeting 37 homes and facilities, 21 of which were inhabited, then the town of Silwan, with 31 facilities, 21 of which were inhabited, then the towns of al-Walaja, Beit Hanina, al-Issawiya, and the rest of the towns and neighborhoods of Jerusalem.

These statistics do not include towns in the Jerusalem Governorate, such as Anata and Hizma, which witnessed demolitions, even though they are classified in Area C.

Since 1967, the occupation authorities have continued their attempts to consolidate their control over Jerusalem by adopting unilateral practices that violate the rules of international law, all of which aim primarily to Israelize and Judaize the city and change the demographic, religious and historical reality existing there. These attacks include seizing lands and homes for the benefit of colonialism and settlers, restricting construction, and demolishing homes.

In addition to preventing any Palestinian urban expansion by seizing land and constructing settlements, the occupation authorities have adopted a series of structural planning policies aimed at preventing Jerusalemites from building on their land or expanding existing facilities.

As a result, the occupation authorities allow Palestinians to build and live on 13% of the area of occupied East Jerusalem. However, building permits in this area are very expensive and almost impossible to obtain due to the Israeli restrictions imposed and the racist measures and discriminatory policies followed by the occupation government in this regard. If they are granted, permits are granted at a rate of less than 2% of building permit applications; which forces Palestinians to build without obtaining permits, in line with the natural growth of their families. Thus, the occupation uses the lack of permits as an excuse to carry out demolitions or force Palestinians to demolish their homes.

In a related context, OCHA data indicates that the Israeli occupation forces demolished 988 homes and facilities in the so-called "C" area of the West Bank during the same period, which led to the displacement of 934 citizens and affected 44,072 others. The demolitions were concentrated in the cities and towns of Jericho, Anata, Tulkarm, Duma, Hizma and Idhna.

In Areas A and B, the occupation forces demolished 590 homes and facilities, displacing 2,953 citizens and affecting 446,833 others. The demolitions were concentrated in the Tulkarm, Nur Shams and Jenin camps, and the city of Jenin, which witnessed several ground invasions by the occupation forces, accompanied by widespread destruction of infrastructure and private and public facilities, since October 7, 2023.

In parallel with the unprecedented destruction of homes, buildings and facilities in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation has escalated the demolition of citizens’ homes, especially in the so-called Area C, which constitutes about 60% of the West Bank.


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OCHA: More than 40,000 affected by Israeli demolitions in occupied Jerusalem