The successive words of the leaders and heads of state participating in the "International Organization's Annual Masquerade Ball" are nothing more than repetitive chatter of what is customary about such meetings, which seem disconnected from the reality that they were formed to sense, respond to its grievances, and side with the values of truth, justice, and freedom. These values are the first victim of the evil tendencies and dreams of arrogance that possess the leaders of the rogue state in its ongoing aggression against Gaza, and its transition in a similar version to sow killing and destruction in cities, villages, and towns in Lebanon, taking advantage of the state of excessive liquidity, weakness, and provocative laxity that the international organization suffers from.
Despite the importance of the speeches made by the heads of sister and friendly countries expressing their anger at the crimes of genocide committed by Israel on live television, the glaring absence of the international body makes it a burden on humanity, as long as it does not assume the roles for which it was established, foremost among which is the strict implementation of the decisions issued by it, and not allowing any of its members to rebel against its decisions and undermine its values.
Forming a humanitarian alliance to stop the Israeli persistence in the crimes that are moving between Gaza and Lebanon, as was proposed by Turkish President Erdogan, has become an urgent matter today before tomorrow, to stop the blood of the innocent, and to give the tortured hope that there are those who seek to help them, and save them from the hell in which they are burning with its raging fire.
The US President's speech seemed dull, as he says one thing and its opposite. On the one hand, he believes that diplomacy is the solution, and on the other hand, he does not hesitate to drown Israel in military support that undermines the chances of a solution and feeds its tendency toward destruction and killing.
Like the children of Gaza and Lebanon who are trapped under the rubble of their bedrooms that were destroyed by the unruly and uncontrolled planes, the United Nations, with its bodies and its laws that regulate its work, is also trapped under the rubble of values that were victims of its impotence, helplessness, and insignificance in the eyes of the host country and the largest contributor to its budget!
Stop the aggression now.
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The United Nations stuck under the rubble of violated values!