

Tue 06 Aug 2024 4:17 pm - Jerusalem Time

Netanyahu's legal adviser: Government actions could lead to war

Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday, saying that government decisions are made "in a confused manner," without professional preparation and by obtaining legal advice from parties not authorized to do so.

The attorney general warned that things had reached an "extreme point," and cited examples of this, including "the government's taking of an unlawful decision that sought to prevent the Judicial Advisory Board from verifying the legality of the government's steps regarding the recruitment and financing of Haredim," noting that "the Supreme Court overturned this government decision."

In her letter, she stated that the government secretary, Yossi Fuchs, presented a legal opinion without having the authority to address a sensitive security issue, stressing that “the legal opinion of a private party or of the government secretary cannot be relied upon as a basis for making decisions. They are not authorized to determine the legal limits of the executive authority and whether it is operating according to the law.”

"The rules are being broken, and things must be put back in order," Baharav-Miara added. She also raised concerns about steps that could lead to war and decisions about them being made without the political-security cabinet convening, stressing that "the result is a violation of the law and harm to the public."

The Attorney General concluded that "the Government Secretariat is required to act professionally and formally in order to ensure the proper functioning of the government. A central duty of the Government Secretary is to ensure that the government makes decisions while maintaining proper and orderly working procedures, for the benefit of the public. In this way, a large part of the failures that have occurred can be prevented."


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Netanyahu's legal adviser: Government actions could lead to war