Mon 17 Jun 2024 10:48 am - Jerusalem Time

Israeli channel: Tel Aviv is preparing for the ICC decisions.. These are the army’s recommendations to reduce potential damage

Israeli Channel 13 said, Sunday, June 16, 2024, that the expected rulings from the International Criminal Court against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav prompted the Israeli occupation army to submit a series of recommendations to the political level to reduce potential international damage.

It is expected that the International Criminal Courts in The Hague will issue rulings against Netanyahu and Gallant within ten days, including issuing arrest warrants against them.

According to the Hebrew Channel, the recommendations include opening additional humanitarian crossings to allow aid to reach the residents of the Gaza Strip, improving the health situation by removing waste, and establishing additional hospitals for the citizens of the Gaza Strip.

The channel indicated that the army is submitting its recommendations in light of increasing international pressure and demands to improve the humanitarian conditions in the besieged Strip.

Last May, the court's prosecutor, Karim Khan, requested the issuance of an arrest warrant against Netanyahu and Gallant, on suspicion of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in the ongoing war on the Gaza Strip.

The International Criminal Prosecutor said in a statement that the court “has evidence that Netanyahu and Gallant bear criminal responsibility for war crimes in Palestine.”

“No one has a license to commit war crimes.”

In previous statements by Karim Khan to the British newspaper The Sunday Times, commenting on the reactions to his request to issue international arrest warrants against leaders from Israel and the Hamas movement, he accused Tel Aviv of imposing collective punishment on Gaza, stressing that no one has a license to commit war crimes or crimes. against humanity.

Khan told the British newspaper, “In an increasingly polarized world, we must affirm that every child, woman and civilian has equal value, and if we do not do that, what is the point?”

He also stressed that if countries do not take steps in the event of arrest warrants being issued by the International Criminal Court, this will have major repercussions.

The Israeli war on Gaza left more than 116,000 Palestinians dead and wounded, most of them children and women, and about 10,000 missing amid massive destruction and famine that claimed the lives of children and the elderly.

Israel continues this war, ignoring a Security Council resolution demanding that it stop the fighting immediately, and orders from the Court of Justice demanding that it stop its attack on the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, and take immediate measures to prevent acts of “genocide” and “improve the humanitarian situation” in Gaza.


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Israeli channel: Tel Aviv is preparing for the ICC decisions.. These are the army’s recommendations to reduce potential damage