Wed 17 Jan 2024 10:57 am - Jerusalem Time

British Lawyers reveal evidence implicating British officials in war crimes in Gaza

It was announced in London that the International Center for Justice for Palestine will present evidence about the involvement of Israeli and British officials in war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza at the International Criminal Court for Justice, and will present the evidence to the court and the Metropolitan Police “Scotland Yard” in the United Kingdom. This was during a press conference held by the center on Tuesday morning, January 16.

The press conference witnessed clarifications from the Director of the International Center for Justice, the Head of the International Law Department at Bindmans Law, Tayyab Ali, and Heidi Dijkstall, Head of International Law at Before Row Chambers, about the prosecution process.

Heidi Dixtal, senior advisor at the International Justice Center for Palestine, confirmed that the center continues to support the confidentiality of investigations by Scotland Yard, and revealed in an interview with Al Jazeera Net that the director of the center, Tayyeb Ali, went to Parliament to learn more about the evidence provided, support Scotland Yard, and ensure that it has the opportunity to conduct investigations. Completely freely without any pressure or interference.

Dixtal explained that it is not possible to predict when the names of those involved will be announced at this stage of the investigation.

Involvement of prominent politicians

The complaint included eyewitness accounts and photographic evidence of crimes including attacks on civilians, civilian property, and infrastructure, including hospitals and property protected under international law, in addition to starvation, the use of collective punishment, and attacks on humanitarian aid.

The file also includes photographic evidence that supports the claim that Israeli army forces used white phosphorus against civilians in Gaza, in contravention of international law.

The International Center for Justice for Palestine in Britain submitted a referral to the Metropolitan Police that included a file of 70 papers related to the involvement of 9 British citizens fighting with the Israeli army in Gaza, and at least 4 prominent politicians in war crimes, including government ministers.

At the end of last week, the International Center for Justice for Palestine held a secret meeting with Scotland Yard, which witnessed the court’s investigative unit handing over hard drives and evidence files to Scotland Yard’s war crimes unit, with the aim of analyzing information in response to a request from the Metropolitan Police for evidence of war crimes in Israel and Gaza.

This news comes after the International Center for Justice for Palestine announced last October that it had issued a notice of intention to prosecute British politicians, including government ministers, for their complicity in war crimes in Gaza.

Ban on arms export

Lawyer Alice Hardy, responsible for the legal challenge filed against the British Department of Trade and Business, which is responsible for allowing the license to continue arms exports to Israel, said: “The lawsuit would seek to stop the export of weapons to Israel under British law, which requires stopping the export if there is a breach of international laws.” Or the possibility of committing crimes against humanity and war crimes.”

Hardy explained to Al Jazeera Net that they submitted a mandatory official letter to the government before submitting the request to the court, demanding that the export of weapons to Israel be stopped in accordance with British law, adding, “We have already received a response from the government denying the existence of any danger of using weapons in violation of international law, and therefore we will take the next step forward.” “I urgently request the court to decide on this matter and stop the export of weapons.”

The case of prosecuting the British government over arms exports to Israel is being handled by the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN), in cooperation with the Palestinian Al-Haq Foundation.

Hardy considered that the Palestinian Al-Haq Organization or any party outside the Kingdom has the right to file a lawsuit against the British government as long as the matter is related to a violation of British law, noting that the lawsuit will be decided in the United Kingdom as a separate lawsuit from the lawsuits related to war crimes in the International Court of Justice, and it will be decided. Demanding a halt to granting arms export licenses to Israel.

She added, "Although there is no clear time line for the lawsuit, the defense team is working to submit an urgent petition to the court."

Heidi Dictsal, Senior Advisor to the International Center for Justice for Palestine, during the conference. Source: International Center for Justice for Palestine

Scotland Yard is investigating

Britain's Counter Terrorism Police War Crimes Team, hosted by the Metropolitan Police's Counter Terrorism Command, received a referral on 12 January relating to allegations linked to the Israeli war on Gaza.

The official spokesman for the Metropolitan Police explained to Al Jazeera Net that the information contained in the referral will now be evaluated by specialized employees, and whether any further action or official investigation will be carried out.

The spokesman also added that this will be done in accordance with the joint guidelines between the police and the Criminal Police Department regarding war crimes and crimes against humanity.

British law enables the Counter Terrorism Command to investigate war crimes committed outside the United Kingdom, if they breach the international Geneva Convention, if the suspect, who can be identified, is not a British citizen, or if he is resident in the United Kingdom as defined in the Court's law. International Criminal Code Act 2001 as amended by the Investigative Judges and Justices Act 2009.

The law in the United Kingdom also enables the extradition of criminals to justice and the prosecution of British citizens involved in war crimes or crimes against humanity.

UK Counter-Terrorism Commander Dominic Murphy told Al Jazeera Net, “The ongoing conflict in the Middle East continues to impact communities in the United Kingdom and internationally, and we recognize the strength of feelings on all sides, and we remain focused on supporting victims and witnesses who report crimes.” Essential international support, as well as support for UK families who were directly affected by the terrorist attacks that took place in Israel on October 7 last year.”

"I also want to reassure the public that we have a very clear set of guidelines that we use when evaluating all war crimes referrals made to us, and we will ensure they are followed here," Murphy added. The unit shared a link on its official website to receive reports about testimonies or evidence related to the commission of war crimes.

Source: Al Jazeera


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British Lawyers reveal evidence implicating British officials in war crimes in Gaza