

Fri 22 Dec 2023 7:51 am - Jerusalem Time

UN Security Council once again postpones voting on a draft resolution on Gaza

According to diplomatic sources, a draft resolution aimed at improving the humanitarian situation in Gaza is scheduled to be voted on today, Friday.

The UN Security Council postponed again until today, Friday, the vote on a draft resolution aimed at improving the humanitarian situation in Gaza, in a text that in its latest version became very weak after it lacked any call to stop the fighting immediately, but the chances of its approval increased by obtaining the support of Washington.

This new postponement came after the United States announced that it was ready to support the latest version of the draft resolution, which calls for taking “urgent measures” to improve humanitarian access to Gaza, but without demanding an immediate halt to the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip.

According to diplomatic sources, the draft resolution is scheduled to be voted on today.

The new text, which is the result of arduous negotiations that took place under the American threat to use its veto power again, no longer resembles at all the original version that the United Arab Emirates presented to the Security Council table last Sunday.

The draft resolution, in its new version drafted yesterday, Thursday, calls for "urgent measures that would immediately allow safe and unhindered access to humanitarian aid, as well as create conditions for a permanent cessation of hostilities."

Thus, the new draft resolution has abandoned the call for an “urgent and permanent cessation of hostilities,” a phrase it included in its original version, as well as the call for an “urgent suspension of hostilities,” a weaker phrase that appeared in a later version, but was dropped in the version. New.

The US Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said yesterday evening, Thursday, that “we worked hard this week with the UAE and others and with Egypt to reach a resolution that we can support.”

She added, "The draft resolution has not been weakened. The draft resolution is very strong, and enjoys the full support of the Arab group."

The American ambassador confirmed that the new text would allow “the provision of humanitarian aid to those in need.”

The Security Council, which has faced widespread criticism for its failure to act since the beginning of the Israeli war on Gaza, has been witnessing arduous negotiations over this text for days.

The vote, which was originally scheduled for last Monday, was postponed several times, most recently yesterday evening, Thursday.

On December 8, the United States used its veto power against a previous draft resolution calling for a “humanitarian ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip.


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UN Security Council once again postpones voting on a draft resolution on Gaza