There is no lack of voices in the Israeli media that the broad public needs to read the situation as it is, and it is not within the constraints of media misinformation, which has its strongest presence these days. What these voices say is oftentimes so true that it serves as a reference for framing what is happening, and even anticipating its implications.
It is certain that there will come a time when a final comparison is made between what Israel claimed to achieve in terms of the results of its war on the Gaza Strip, especially after the start of its ground maneuvers on 10/27/2023, and what was actually achieved in the field, and in a way that serves the implementation of its ultimate goals of the war, which it stated in the first goal is to eliminate the military and authoritarian capabilities of the Hamas movement. But before that, and specifically more than two weeks after that ground maneuver, Israeli military analysts tended to establish a dividing line between the language of Israeli politicians, which was described as offensive rhetoric, and the language of military leaders, especially former ones, which they said implied a degree of professionalism.
There is limited space to present many examples that are accumulating daily, so we will limit ourselves to a few. The first thing that should be noted, as we do so, is that there is no significant discrepancy between the various military analysts and specialists in security affairs in concluding that the fate of the war depends not only on the military operations carried out by the Israeli army from the air, land and sea, but also on what the Palestinian resistance is doing now. And the capabilities it stores in the future as well.
The military analyst for Haaretz newspaper, Amos Harel, acknowledges that the partial coverage carried out by official Israel, including through its media outlets subject to strict military control, and the ambiguity of the battles that impose the isolation of the Gaza Strip from the media from the Palestinian side, place great difficulties in the way of obtaining a complete picture of the field situation in the northern Gaza Strip.
Although he indicates the preference for dealing with the statements of the army and its leadership, because they are professional and objective in his opinion, at the same time, he confirms that the goal of the war that the army denounces, in the words of the Chief of the General Staff, General Herzi Halevy, is to dismantle the capabilities of “Hamas” while avoiding distributing promises to erase its military power are very ambitious, and the ability to achieve it remains conditional on three things: the use of effective military force, the allocation of a sufficiently long period, and the ability to address the areas south of the Gaza Strip as well as the possibility of harming Hamas is relatively small in the wake of the transition. civilian population to it.
The military analyst for the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, Yossi Yehoshua, confirms that the path to “completely eliminating Hamas strongholds in the north of the Gaza Strip” is still long and not easy at all, let alone its south?
This is what the military analyst for the Maariv newspaper, Tal Lev-Ram, repeats, pointing out, as others did, especially among reserve generals, that even if we succeed in reaching that “achievement,” it will amount to half the work required, or perhaps the least, in light of the estimate of the Israeli security establishment that half of Hamas’ forces are present in the southern part of the sector is controlled by these forces have rarely been attacked, so they maintain their ability and fighting spirit.
This applies to movement leadership. In this regard, three challenges are indicated: international pressure, and when Israel will operate in southern Gaza, there will be about two million people, the total population of the south who have no place to go, and 900 thousand people from the population of the northern Gaza Strip, and the time factor, as long as The fighting continues, the fire will continue in the north as well, and in the two regions, and we cannot start talking about the return of the population.
This analyst reaches the point when he describes the Israeli ground maneuver as Sisyphean. Sisypheanism is often equated with absurdity, often describing arduous and useless tasks.
Source: arab48
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